Chapter 2: A New Pokemon

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"How do you know Shinx won't cross the river and follow us," Red asked, "I mean I know we had an early start but maybe he knows about the river already?"

"Shinx and his buddies will all be too weak to cross this river, trust me. Even a water type like Buizel will struggle with the current at the place we'll be crossing at, so they'd have to waste valuable time travelling up or down the river to find a safe place to cross. If they actually try to do that then we'd be long gone and they would have to backtrack to find where we crossed at to follow our trail again anyway though," Bolt said confidently.

"So you're not actually worried they might try to follow us even though it's a small possibility?"

"Not at all, they'd only be following us out of vengence so their judgement is already clouded by emotions and they won't be thinking logically if they come after us. They'll be easy to outwit or outfight because they're busy with personal vendettas rather than getting stronger or wiser. They're wasting their time trying to pick fights with peaceful Pokemon in their territory anyway, I really don't see the point in what they do and if I had met them before I met you I probably would have crossed this river and stayed on the other side long ago."

"You said you've crossed over it a few times to get berries by the shore, but we've already been walking for a long time now. Why not just eat berries closer to your home?"

"The berries that grow on the trees by the shore are Sitrus berries and they're great for getting your energy and health back quickly. There aren't any closer to my home but I also saw the river as a great challenge to conquer with the berries being my reward. When I would come and get some of these Sitrus berries it was in preparation for some intense training I had planned to do, so I knew I would need the berries to replenish my strength afterwards. With each crossing of the river I was training as well, having to find a new way to cross it each time. The first time was easy because there was a fallen tree nearby, but the next time I went a storm had caused the river to rise and wash the log away so I had to use some vines. Each time I go to the river it seems to present a new obstacle for me to get across it, so whatever it is this time I'll have to make sure I can get you across too. It will make for great training for you too though."

Red imagined a great roaring rush of water and shivered. Being a fire type in a world filled with water wasn't easy sometimes and it could get scary. He imagined Shinx and the others already waiting at the river to push him in, or Bolt getting taken away by a strong current, and other horrible things that could go wrong. His thoughts slowed his pace and he fell a bit behind Bolt.

"Red, are you okay," Bolt called back to him, "you'll make it across the river safely, don't worry so much."

"There's so many things that could go wrong or not go according to your plans, how do you ever deal with if something does mess up your plans?"

"Well I adapt, because really adapting to whatever happens is the only plan I actually have. Like I said before, crossing the river is a bit different each time I go there because things change. I know my goal at the moment is to cross the river but I'll only see how I can once I'm actually there, so until then there isn't anything else to think about other than that."

Red liked that word, adapt. To be able to handle change by changing your actions or behavior, it was admirable. Red was starting to understand how Pichu was so strong now. She even adapted her attitude to new situations instead of getting discouraged; he wondered if her trainer had been the same way and that rubbed off on her.

A short while later they arrived at the river. It was far too wide to jump across and the water seemed high from the recent rains as it splashed against the bank, daring to attempt to defy the channel containing it. This river was a beast and it's current rushed with power. Red looked around but didnt see any vines low enough for him to access, nor any fallen trees or rocks he could use to get across. The sun was now high in the sky and he worried for how much time it had taken them to get to their destination- Shinx and his followers would be faster than the two of them because their packs filled with berries slowed them down. Bolt examined the vines and climbed the tree to test their strength.

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