Burgers and Tragedy

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Veronica's POV 

"Shhhh, let it all out. I'm right here for you Ronnie".

With those words I felt instantly safer. It's funny how everything can change in the spam of 24 hours. 

Jughead looked me straight in the eyes and said, "Let's ditch and go to Pop's".

"Are you insane?! Today's the first day of school and you're just going to ditch? No, I am not ditching the first day of school ever in a million years ,and I am not letting you ditch today either".

Jughead rolls his eyes with annoyance. I wonder what happened to fun, goofball Jughead I once knew. The one who would always crack a joke even in the most inappropriate situations. The one where you would go to if you're ever feeling sad and need a joke. The light that had once been in his green eyes has now faded into a mere object of the past. But after all these years there's still something about him that never changes: his beanie.

Jughead's  POV

Veronica and I walk to our first classes together which happens to be English. We are the first people in. I choose a seat in the back and Veronica follows. Then the Blossom Twins enter, then Reggie looking particularly pleased with himself, which made me want to punch him in the face for what he did to Veronica this morning. Lastly we have Archibald Andrews and Elizabeth Cooper. Betty shoots me a dirty look with Archie mouthing "I'm sorry," right after. The bell rings and class starts. 5 minutes in and I'm already starting to fall asleep, thankfully Veronica nudges me to stay awake.  Suddenly Mr. Weatherbee comes on the speaker and announces, " This is a hard lockdown. This is not a drill. I repeat this is not a drill". 

With those words we hear a man scream and a gunshot. A girl in the class breaks downs and starts to cry.  After 2 hours the hard lockdown is over and we are released from these classes to see on the wall, written in blood next to the victim, "Which sinner is next? -Blackhood".

A girl with short brown hair yells, "Moose!" and quickly lies down next to the victim sobbing. Sherif Keller arrives and pull her away from the dead body. As soon as we are allowed to leave I quickly drive  to Pop's; The one place in this town where I feel completed safe. I order one cheeseburger and one strawberry milkshake.  I sit there in a booth starting to write my newest novel. I had a feeling this wasn't the last time we would hear from this mysterious blackhood so I title it: The Mysterious Murders of the Blackhood. I don't even finish writing the first sentence when a cotton candy-haired girl and a fiery red-head enter holding hands. Well what can I say opposites attract. A couple feet away from Pop's I see a shadowy figure. Then I see a black ski mask. I immediately run towards the door and yell, "Run Toni and Cheryl!"

They run toward the counter. I reach for my gun inside my jacket which I always carry since so many people want me dead. I shoot at his legs because I'm not trying to kill anybody yet. He quickly throws a knife at me and hits me in the arm. He falls to ground since his legs can no longer support his weight with his injuries. I look at my arm and think, "Oh shit, that's going to leave a scar". I bandage my arm up and look outside to see the hooded figure gone.

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