You can't sit with us

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Louis' POV


There he was just sitting there in the back of the class looking all perfect. His black V-neck clung to his muscles showing every last curve of his body in all the right places-oh gosh there I go again! Well what are you waiting for an invitation sit the fuck down! I really hate that voice in my head sometimes he should mind his own business even though I knew it was right I don't need to be told by him! I really having this conversation with myself?! I was interrupted by the teacher calling over to me.

"MR.TOMLINSON! Can you hear me speaking to you?" Everyone turned to stare at me including a certain pair of green eyes.

"Please sit down or I will have to count you late for my class young man!" Mrs.flack spat at me. Man she was not a nice woman and wasn't to easy on the eyes either. As I made my way around the room I had noticed that there was only one seat to Harry.

Great not only do I have a secret crush on him,i have to sit by him!

"You idiot you know you like it" my inner voice says

"Asshole" I mumble under breath earning a small glare from Mrs.flack only to have her announce one thing that could help me her closer to Harry.

"Alright class as you all know there is a small assignment due at the end of the month for a song performance. It will be a duet between you and another student that you will sing with and also get to know a little better abc since it is the first month I thought it would be perfect timing to meet someone new. Partners are posted in the board behind me. You may start working in class today to brainstorm and maybe learn something. GO!"

So I waited until everyone had gotten their partners. I strolled up to the board and you guess who's my partner.. HARRY FUCKING STYLES! I walked back to my seat absolutely horrified yet I feel like jumping in happiness.

"Uhh h-hi I'm h-harry n-nice to m-meet you." He said timidly. I raised my hand to high five when he cringed at the sight of it. Did he think id hit him?? I would never hit him!

"Hi I'm louis and uhm I kinda sing a little but nothing serious. Uhm there's nothing really else to tell.."

" Hey Tomlinson is in a group with the FAG! I'm so sorry maybe he won't be such a slut this time" I heard a guy who I think is nick scream behind me. I turn back to Harry and his eyes have a glossy coat to then like he will ball into sobs any minute.

"What are they talking about? are you...?

"u-u-uh y-yeah I am i..i.." he trails off.

I quickly cut him off by saying "it's okay mate and between me and you I am too but your the only one that knows" oh shit louis you dumbass now he won't even like you as a friend. Of all the things you could have-

"Oh well that's okay I guess. I thought you'd hate me" he frowned. Aww It tears my heart to see him sad-NO you can't like him. Not only will it be bad for you but also for him.

"Lou? Are you okay? you zoned out" he waves his hands in front of my face when I realized I was staring at him for quite sometime.

"Uhh yeah I'm fine just thinking" fuck I could feel my cheeks heating up it would be a matter of time before I was cherry red.

" So back to the project, what kind of song would you wanna do?" I can see he is gaining confidence talking to me. He didn't stutter that much,not that I didn't like it.

"How about we stay away from dance music? I'm pretty sure everyone would want to do something upbeat." I say. I secretly hope we can do a love song and maybe I could snog his face off! oh who am I kidding it won't ever happen!

" Well there is this song I've heard on the radio..." he trailed off. I could tell he didn't want to tell me but I wanna pry it out if him so bad

" So what is it??" I asked A little anxious of his answer. Maybe TOO Anxious.

" Well it's called "Almost is never enough" I know it's a love song but it's worth a try yeah?" I instantly love the idea.


Harrys' POV

As soon as those words left my mouth I had already regretted what I said. Everyone was right I always ruin everything I'm just a worthless fucking fag who should just keep his mouth-

"Okay I like that song,its really good!" he beamed. I felt relieved after he said that. Get a grip Harry don't let him know you fancy him. You can't ruin this one.

" Y-yeah I've been singing this song sometimes and I could just about hit every note in the song so...?"

"So..? I guess we should discuss who sings what part then?" He smirks. I look In his eyes and all I see is amusement and what looks like love? NO it can be that's really crazy to even assume.

"Yeah so I'm assuming you'd want to be the guy?" I half smiled and giggled. Wait! why did I do that!?!

" Uhm yeah. If it isn't to much trouble I don't think I can hit those high notes like she can" he chuckled. Man he has a cute laugh and those perfect pink lips are so kissable. DON'T THINK ABOUT IT KEEP IT TO YOURSELF!

" So when should we start to rehearse this and practice?" I say. hoping he will say today or tomorrow

"Uhm how's tomorrow after school?" great now I have to go home. I didn't like my fa- robin I mean

" Uh y-yeah that's fine. At your place then?" Please say yes

"Yeah I'll see you tomorrow yeah?" He said gathering his things and heading out the door. The rest of the day went by as it usually did until we got to lunch. Yep another day of sitting alone by the trash cans. I was heading over to my usual spot when I heard my name.

"Harry! Come sit by us mate!"

I glance over to louis who is sitting by- Shit it's Niall and his asshole of a friend Zayn. Can I ever get a break??

I walk over to louis who smiles at my presence while the other two are most likely plotting my death as we speak.

"H-hi" I squeak if only I could learn to stop my stuttering I could maybe carry on a normal conversation with people.

"Ugh why the fuck did you bring this FAG over here?! No one likes him! he should do us all a favor and just disappear that would be grand!" Zayn spits in my face. I can already feel the tears stinging my eyes as I get up from the table and speed walk out of the cafeteria before I hear louis scream " WHAT THE HELL ZAYN!?" Before going to my locker to get my razor and sprint to the bathroom. I sit in one of the stalls and start sliding the razor across my wrist like it's nothing. I see the blood oozing from my fresh cuts as I hear the bell ring for last period knowing it meant one hour closer to wishing I was dead.

After what seemed like the longest hour of my life I finally reach me and my mums house only to get welcomed by a punch in the gut

"YOUR FUCKING LATE AGAIN WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU YOU SCREWED UP CHILD!?!?" He always uses that excuse just to beat the hell out of me and I just take it.

"THIS TIME YOUR GONNA LEARN!" Is what he said right before he dragged me into his bedroom locking the door behind him

After he had been finished with me he said he couldn't stand to look at me for the at least two days. So he took my school work and clothes and threw me out for the next two days. I can't believe him, HE can't look at Me? What did I do wrong to make him this mad at me I thought a father was supposed to love his son no matter what I guess I thought wrong.

I had been dragging the streets for about two hours when I see a car stop right beside me. I couldn't see for a minute due to the headlights blinding my eyesight. I see a black figure moving toward me when my eyes adjust. I look the stranger in the eyes and he has the same Ocean blue color eyes same as louis and now that I think about it he has the same figure. I can hear muffled 'are you ok' and 'just hold on' I finally get a glimpse if the stranger and I realize two things.

One: my eyes were closing


Two: the stranger was Louis...

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