"I'm sorry" I said

"So you used me? For fun?"

"It started like that. I promise I really do love you"

"Here I was thinking you really cared about me. I thought about ways that I could take care of you, take care of us. All this while, I was a fucking joke?" His voice was so loud.

"It's not like that"

He ran his hands through his hair.

"I'm so stupid. I knew it. It's unreal for a girl like you to like a guy like me. But I just thought maybe just maybe this was meant to be"

"Drew, I'm sorry"

I tried to hold his hand.

"Don't you fucking touch me!"

I was so scared. I knew Eric was the one who told him. The stupid bastard.

"I'm sorry"

"You're sorry cause you got caught. It's fine. You don't have to pretend anymore. The truth is out. We can go back to our normal lives"

Those were his last words before he walked out. The next thing we heard was Aaron's laughter.

"Ha! I knew there was a catch to this" he said..

"Nice one Bella" one of the football players.

"Give it up for Bella for pranking the beast" someone said from the crowd.

"I knew it. She's way out of his league"

"Good job, Martins"

"Yes! Joke's on the beast he thought he was so cool cause he had the most beautiful girl in school"

Aaron put his arms around my shoulders. I just stood there  unsure of what to do or where to go

"You're a legend. How do you feel, babe?' He asked.



I knocked on Drew's front door. I bit my nails. I was very pensive. I really need to talk to Sharon  

I looked for him around school after the fight. He was nowhere to be found so I assumed he'd be home.

I came here two hours later. At least, that's enough time for him to cool off

After a few minutes, Sharon opened the door. She smiled when she saw it was me

"Hello dear" she said, giving me a hug. She frowned when she noticed the tears in my eyes.

"What's wrong love? Did Drew do something?"

"No, it's all my fault"

"Come inside. Let's talk"

"Thank you"

A few minutes later I was wrapped in a towel shivering. I felt cold all of a sudden.

"Is Drew home?" I asked her.

"Nope" she replied, handing me a hot cup of tea

"Thanks" I took a sip

She sat down beside me.

"Tell me exactly what happened"

"I.... "

I couldn't even complete the sentence before I bursted out crying. It's the kind of cry when you just let everything out and wail loud

What if he leaves me? What am I gonna do?

Sharon tried rubbing my back to calm me down. I couldn't feel anything

Beauty and The BeastWhere stories live. Discover now