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The boys squirmed around in their chairs impatiently as I poured them a glass of coke each.

"Dad, hurry up, we're not getting any younger," Freddy said, falling back in his chair.

"You know," I said, "I feel like you guys are going to be disappointed. The talk isn't really that empowering, or anything."

Josiah scoffed. "We're not going to be disappointed."

I placed their glasses in front of them, pulling my chair out to sit across from them.

"Give it to us, dad!" Freddy said.

I just chuckled, rubbing my eyes. "So, what have you two been noticing that's sparking your interest in the talk all the sudden?"

"My dick is growing," Josiah said casually, sipping on his coke.

"Yeah, mine too," Freddy said.

My eyebrows went into a deep furrow. "Who taught you to call it that?"

"Well, isn't that what it is?" Josiah asked, a dumbfounded look on his face.

I just shook my head. "That didn't answer my question."

"All of the guys at school call it that," Freddy said, "duh, dad. Get with the program."

I just chuckled. "I'll look into it."

"But anyways," Freddy said, "we're getting taller, too."

"Yep," Josiah said, an accomplished smile on his face.

"Okay," I said, nodding, "that's normal. Have you been getting acne?"

"No," Freddy said, "well, yeah, but it was only one pimple."

"Same here."

I smiled. "Yeah, these are all parts of puberty."

The boys smiled exciting smiles.

"You're going to start really growing up," I said, bracing my elbows on the table, "like, you're going to start getting these urges-"

"You mean for sex?"

"You two were so enthused to hear about this but you already know it all?" I deadpanned, making them laugh.

"I'm serious, guys," I said, "take this seriously."

"Okay," they said, "we're being serious."

I just nodded. "You're going to start having wet dreams, basically."

They both shot me blank expressions.

"Wet dreams are when you go to sleep and dream about sex," I said, "simple as that."

"Oh!" They yelled, "so that's why you wake up with, you know."

"It's called a boner," I said, "and guys wake up with that every morning."

"I always dream about hot girls! I thought that was the reason why I wake up with them," Josiah laughed out.

"You boys do realize that if you have sex, you can get a girl pregnant?"

They nodded.

"And that's what condoms are for," I said.

"You have a lot of those," Josiah said.

"I stay prepared."

They laughed.

"Seriously," I said, "you have to wear a condom."

"Question," Josiah said.

I nodded.

"When can we start having sex?"

I threw my head back with a laugh. "If you ask Toni he'll say ten. But I say whenever you find that girl that you can see yourself having sex with."

Freddy just puckered his lips out. "Okay. Well there's this girl a grade above us and she is hot."

Josiah just smiled over at him. "I know, right?"

"Okay," I said, "one of you have to pick her, you can't have a three way relationship. And no sex right now."

"Have you ever had sex with two girls at once?" Freddy asked as innocently as he could, looking up at me from his coke.

My lips parted. I wasn't sure how exactly to respond to that.

"Who told you that was a thing?" I asked.

He shrugged. "Guys."

I rubbed my eyes. "My God."

Josiah just gave him a fist-bump.

"No," I said, "I haven't."

He just nodded. "How many girls have you had sex with?"

"When did this turn into a q and a for me?" I asked, furrowed brows, "I'm trying to teach you something."

Josiah just laughed. "Okay, let's get back on topic. We can't have sex without a condom, our dicks are growing, and we're going to start having dreams about sex! Cool!"

"One more question," Freddy said, "and I promise I'm done."

"Is it about me?"

He shook his head.

"Okay, then shoot."

"How long is your dick?"

I stood up and gave his head a good shove, making him laugh.

"You two are mighty curious about me."

"Well, you're tall, and bulky, and I mean, I just assume that you have a nice one and maybe Jo and I will get blessed with it, too!"

I just laughed. "You'll learn more about that later on in life. Go do your homework, please."


And with that, I watched my two not-so-little boys run off.



Feelings were coming back, but deteriorating at the same time.

Derek and I had made up.

But not in the way that we'd intended to.

Derek and I made up almost as friends. Like we'd argued over something stupid, and realized that we were in the wrong.

I realized I was in the wrong for not telling him, he realized he was in the wrong for blowing up like he did.

I almost didn't feel that fire for Derek that I'd felt a few days ago.

And he was fully acceptant of the way we were acting towards each other. I felt like he felt the same way I did.

My eyes bored into him as I watched his back muscles move with every move he made, my eyebrows in a deep furrow.

Why didn't I feel that passion I'd felt for five years?

I was pulled out of my thoughts when there was a shift in the weight on the bed, and I looked over at him.

"So I should be back late tonight. I have a meeting with Mr. Maali today."

"Yeah?" I said, standing up.

He nodded, his eyebrows shooting up in my direction. "Joy."

I smiled. "Well, I hope it all goes well."

"Same here. Have a good day," he said, picking up his briefcase.

"Same to you," I said, folding my arms over my chest as he walked out of our bedroom.

Derek and I didn't want to lie to each other, not anymore. We knew we still loved each other, but not in the way we'd loved each other before.

I looked at the closed door and pursed my lips together.

I opened it and hurried downstairs, grabbing my car keys. I slipped into my boots and a jacket, walking outside.

I drove over to Zayn and Bren's place. I needed to talk to one of them, or both of them, about the situation that I was in.

The situation that I had no clue how to deal with.

I got out of my car as soon as I made it to their house. I smiled at the homey feeling of their place. It was still big, but they kept it homey and modest.

I knocked on the door and Zayn answered, brushing his hair out of his face.

"Hey, Adds," he greeted, "what's up?"

I pursed my lips together. "I just, um, is Bren there?"

He shook his head. "No, she went out with Landon. She told me to remind her to text you. I'm assuming you didn't get that text?"

I laughed. "I didn't."

He opened the door wider. "Come inside, it's freezing."

I stepped inside and shrugged out of my jacket, hanging it on their coat rack.

"Want any coffee? It was made two hours ago, I'll forewarn you."

I giggled. "Polite pass."

I plopped down on a stool, resting my chin in my palm. He just leaned against the counter, folding his arms over his chest.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

Somehow, Zayn knew me better than most people.

"I have such a big weight on my shoulders and I don't know how to handle it, Zayn," I blurted.

He nodded. "Yeah, I can tell."

I just sighed, raking my hair back with my hands.

"What's it about?"

"Santiago came over the other night," I said, "you know, when Landon's dinner was supposed to be. But you guys got held up at the airport and Derek had to go."

He nodded.

"And I lied to him about it," I said, biting down on my bottom lip, "I lied to him."

He never said anything but urged me to continue.

"And it blew up in my face," I said, "he found out about Santiago and I five years ago, and he blew up on me, Zayn. I'm not joking, he blew up in a way I'd never seen him even come close to doing."

He pursed his lips together and furrowed his brows together.

"I mean, I guess I would have, too," I mumbled, "but it scared me."

"I know it did," he said, "you've been shaken up for a few days."

"And then I went over to Santiago's house and he pushed me away, too," I said, "and I realized that I am a terrible person."

"You're not a terrible person," he said, shaking his head.

I smiled and looked down. "He wouldn't even let me get close to him. How cool is that, to be that amazing of a guy? Just because I was engaged and he knew he'd do something."

I watched Zayn's lips pull up into the smallest smile.

"So now Derek and I made up," I said, "but Zayn I don't feel what I felt three days ago."

His concerned eyes bored into my own. "What do you mean?"

I looked down at the ring on my finger. "I don't think I love Derek like I did."

"Adora," he said, "that happens after an argument. It takes a while for things to get back on track, it really does-"

"Zayn, we've been in arguments before," I said, "but not really like that one, and I never once questioned my love for him."

He pursed his lips together. "Adds, I just don't want you getting hurt."

"And I'm not, Zayn," I said.

He looked away from me. "You've said on more than one occasion that Derek is perfect," he said, finally looking back at me, "what happened to that?"

I bit down on my bottom lip. "Maybe perfection isn't my number one priority anymore."

He shook his head. "Do what you want, but don't break his heart."

"I don't even think he feels what he used to feel for me anymore," I said, "I think we both have come to the conclusion, and we're just not saying it."

He nodded, sighing. "Everything works out in time, I know that much."

I nodded. "Yeah, I know."



Mateo smiled as Alessandra got up from his lap, watching as she walked into the kitchen.

I smiled. "I'm happy you two are happy."

He couldn't wipe the smile off of his face, shaking his head. "I am, too."

"Have you two thought about another baby?" I asked, tipping my beer back.

He pursed his lips together. "I, uh, I'm not sure. I think she wants another baby, but I can't speak for her."

"Okay," I said, "but what about you?"

He shrugged. "Another Alessandra incarnate might be a handful, but I can take it."

I chuckled.

"So sure," he said.

I smiled over at him.

"What about you?" He said, "how did that dinner go with your ex-babysitter?"

I nodded. "It went well. After the dinner was the problem."

His eyebrows shot up.

"Apparently something went wrong. Her fiancé found out about our past, he freaked out on her, she drove to my place," I trailed off.

I knew if she'd stayed, I would've done something. I knew it.

I had to let her go. I couldn't have kept her in my house any longer than I did.

"Did something happen?" He asked.

I shook my head. "No, I, uh, I pushed her away."

His eyes bored into my own. "Why the hell did you do that?"

I shook my head. "She's engaged. I wasn't going to let her stay and let myself do something and regret it immediately. I wasn't allowing her to make that mistake."

He looked over at me. "You're a good guy, San."

I shrugged. "Maybe."

"You know," he said, "maybe the big guy's throwing signs at you."

I smiled. "Maybe."

"You think you loved her?" He asked bluntly, making me pull my beer back up to my lips.

I sighed. "I know it wasn't just screwing around."

He smiled over at me. "So you did."

"I never said that," I said, "you know I am about love. I don't throw it around."

"But you had a regard for her."

"Yeah, I did, absolutely," I said, "she did a lot for the boys and I."

"Metaphorically speaking," he said, grinning as he pulled his beer up to his lips.

I smiled. "Whatever happens, happens."

"But you and I both know what you want to happen."

"Yeah?" I said, cocking an eyebrow up over at him with a smile, "and what's that?"

He matched my smile. "You want that fiancé of hers to take that ring back."

I just looked over at him, a blank expression on my face.

"You know it's true, hermano," he sang, patting my shoulder as he stood up, "come on, dinner's almost ready."

I stood up and jumped when I saw the boys behind me, looking down at them.

"So you do want Adora," Freddy said, smiling up at me.

"Get in there," I said, chuckling as we walked into the dining room to get dinner.

hi guys 😊😊 how did we like this chapter??? I liked writing it as I like writing every chapter bc I'm weird as fuc and I love writing and spending my time in my room being an introvert

hahaha. I hope you guys liked this chapter :) how did we feel about adora's convo with Zayn, and Santiago's convo with Mateo??

so I kinda got you guys hyped up for nothing and I'm a shithead for that but the one shot winners will be posted IN THE NEXT CHAPTER. I decided to post them in a very eventful chapter :) (and I still have one to come in so)

I want to know what you guys are thinking is going to happen in the next chapter. I'm very curious to know what's going on in ur guys' heads!!! Comment what you think is going to happen.

follow my twitter to participate in polls and be caught up with everything and BE THE FIRST TO KNOW THE WINNERS OF THE ONE SHOT CONTEST @ subjayy_

ok. I love you guys!! ❤️ hope you guys are as fucking psyched for the next chapter as I am

Wrecking the Homewrecker (BOOK 2) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now