Part 7.

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Everyone silently stares at the dummy as it falls apart, the arms fall off, the smoke becomes thicker and the dummy bursts into flames. The fire alarm blares and water showers us from the ceiling, the Director clicks his earpiece "No one panic, it's just an incident in the gym, it is being taken care of. Someone turn off that alarm!" A few seconds later the alarm stops, as does the sprinkler, we're all drenched and the dummy is a burnt, limbless mess, but the knife is still stuck in its heart. Richie breaks the silence "THAT. WAS. AWESOME!" I'm just standing there with my mouth hanging open and eyes wide.

I just did that? WOW! No wonder HYDRA wanted to learn my full potential. I wanna know if I was born with this ability or if they made me capeable, but of course no one knows, except HYDRA and I don't trust 'em to tell me the truth.

I feel a clap on my shoulder, I turn my head and look up at the Asgardian "You should be very proud of that, electricity is not an easy element to weald." "Whatcha you mean?" "I am the God of thunder, I generate and control electricity, as well as many other things." "Wow." "Have we met before?" "I-" He cuts me off "I feel like I know you, you seem very familiar to me." He searches my face and I search his "I feel like I know you too, but how is that possible? I can't possibly know you." Agent Barton steps up to us "You both think you know each other?" We both look at each other and nod.

This is so strange, there's no way I could know this man.

"Alright, how do you guys think you know each other?" "His style of clothing, I've seen something like it before." "Her face, I've seen her face." "His strange mannerisms." "Her accent." We both look into each others eyes and go silent for a moment, then we speak at the same time "His eyes." "Her eyes." Everyone remains silent as we continue looking at each other, all of a sudden something in my mind clicks. I feel like I've been hit in the chest, my body falls backwards and my eyes close.

I'm walking down a torch-lit corridor, there's laughter and talking through the door ahead of me, I make my way towards it, when I get there I look up at two men in armour, they stand at least four times my height. They take notice of me and open the door, I walk in, to see a party in full swing, men in tunics, women in fancy dresses, all with smiles on their faces, all accept one. I make my way over to a man with pale skin and black hair, I sit next to him, he looks down at me and smiles "Why not go dance?" I shake my head and remain sitting beside him, he chuckles, I speak in a voice that sounds very young "Why don't you dance?" He thinks for a moment "How about we dance together?" I nod, he picks me up and walks to the dancefloor, we sway and twirl to the elegant music.

I open my eyes to find loads of faces looking down at me, I take a few breaths "That was weird..." Richie responds "Too right it was, you just collapsed." I glance around and realise I'm laying on my back on the floor in the gym "Oh yeah, but that's not what I'm on 'bout. Every night I always have the same dream, I just saw- Well I can't exactly call it a dream, 'cause I wasn't asleep, but I saw the same sorta location, the same sorta people as my usual dream." Thor speaks "Tell us of this dream." I sit up and everyone sits around on the floor.

I think I trust these people, I never told HYDRA about the dream, but I think I should tell these lot.

"In the dream I'm awoken by a man in armour, he says we aren't safe, he takes me to my mother, we get on horses and ride away. But the armoured men are killed, my mother and I are taken, we sit together for ages, then my mother is taken from me. Eventually I'm taken too, I can hear people shouting in the distance, I look back to see men in the same armour as the one who woke me up, but they can't save me. The men who have me, keep running, I drift off, when I wake up I'm somewhere cold. Then I actually wake up. It's always the same." Thor looks at me, incredibly interested "What of your new dream?"

Does he know something? I feel like he knows something.

"I walked into a room, where a party was taking place, I noticed one man on his own, miserable. I sat next to him, he asked why I wasn't dancing, I asked why he wasn't. We decided to dance together, so he picked me up and we danced. I feel like I knew him." "I remember those days." A get off my butt and crawl over to him "What? What do you mean you remember?" A huge smile forms on his face "The second one, that was my brother, Loki. He could never say no to you, you were always able to cheer him up." I sit as close as I can to Thor, without sitting on his lap "Loki?" "Yes. The first dream was an attack on Asgard, we weren't sure who they were but they took you and your mother. They tried to kill the Royal family, but we managed to scare them away." His face turns sad.

I'm from Asgard?

"We couldn't find you, but we did find your mother. I'm sorry, but she didn't make it." I nod my head in understanding, a tear rolls down his face, I don't realise a tear escaped my own eye until I feel it hit my hand "I'm Asgardian?" "Yes, you are. We thought you dead, we weren't sure where to find you. Whoever took you must've sent you to Midgard, then you fell into the hands of HYDRA." "The man who woke me up said my father was fighting." "Yes..." He takes a deep breath "I was."

I kinda saw that coming. From the moment he mentioned Loki, I knew he knew something.

In one swift movement I launch myself at him, I take him off guard and end up laying on top of him as we hug, I feel tears fall as I talk "I'm sorry, I didn't remember. That dream was the only thing I knew. I grew up believing it was just a dream, because it felt so magical and strange, I couldn't remember anything before or after." He tightly wraps his arms around me "Shh... It's alright, I do not blame you."

Not how I expected my day to go.

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