Part 3.

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"Spark!" We all look to where the voice is coming from, it's my guard again "What are you doing? Shoot them!" I turn back to the men, I look at the one under my foot "Answer me one thing, why are you attacking us?" "To protect people, HYDRA are a terrorist organisation with alien technology, my team are set to protect the planet. Ma'am, we're here to take out a worldwide threat."

We're what!? They told me WE take out threats, that WE are trying to improve the planet!

My guard approaches us "Spark, come to your senses, they are the enemy! We will kill them, they want to stop us from achieving our goal!" I snap my attention back to him "Goal!?" He nods and speaks in an 'obviously' tone "To take control of the planet, the human race needs guidance, they need improving, we can provide that."

That's not right, no one should take control of the whole planet. Now I know why they didn't tell me the truth, because they knew I wouldn't agree.

"These lot just keep getting in the way, they need to be-" His speech is interrupted as I launch a dagger at him, hitting him in the centre of the forehead. I take my foot off the man on the ground, I hear him take a deep breath as I step over him. I look down at the man I once considered a friend, for just a moment. I take my gun and other dagger from my belt and drop them on the ground, along with the energy gun. I turn to the robot, who is currently helping up the other man "I didn't know that's their goal, I was told we were helping the planet." "Come with us, kid." He holds out a metal hand, I don't dare take it, I place my hands behind my back and take a step forward "Take me to your leader."

Ha! I have no idea how I managed to say that with a straight face!

I hear a snort of laughter, the other man looks a little confused, he hold out a hand "We're the Avengers, Ma'am." I look to his hand and up at his face "I don't shake hands." He quickly pulls his hand back and straightens his posture "Okay, then follow us." He talks quietly through an earpiece, as we walk, which reminds me off mine. So I quickly pull it out and step on it, crushing it, I continue to follow them out of the base. We walk behind a small hill and stop in front of a vehicle, an older man with curly hair sits beside the man who shot an arrow at me, plus a ginger woman.

Quite a mixture, aren't they.

The robot stops beside me "Guys, we've made a new friend." Everyone looks in our direction and I glare at him "Okay, maybe we're not friends just yet, but we're working on it, right Spark?" His helmet retract showing a human face "Tony Stark, but you already knew that." I shake my head "Nope." "Seriously!?" "Never heard of you or your gang." "What about Iron Man?" "Nope." "How did they not tell you about us?" "I thought I knew the people who raised me, but apparently not." I hear a woman's voice "Did you say HYDRA raised you?" I look to see the ginger woman speaking "Yep, raised me for as long as I can remember."

They've been lying to me my whole life! They'll get what they deserve, I'll make sure of it!

"There you are, I was ready to send out a search party." "Do not fear, I am fine." I hear a deep, incredibly loud voice from behind me, my eyes widen, I lock eyes with the woman, who smirks "You two clearly haven't met yet, Thor, meet... What's your name again?" "Spark." I spin round and find myself level with an armoured chest, I look up until I find a face, a man with long blonde hair and blue eyes peers down at me. I take a step backwards and he smiles "Greetings, I am Thor of Asgard." I look at him, noticing how strange his clothing is.

He seems kind of familiar. Nope, that's too weird, I mean look at him, where could I possibly recognise him from, except a story book?

He places a hand in front of me, palm facing upwards, I raise an eyebrow at his gesture, the robot man leans closer to me and whispers "He wants your hand, to kiss it." "Hell no!" I take another step backwards and clasp my hands behind my back, I hear laughter, but pay it no mind "Come on, kid, just sit down." I do as I'm told and take a seat, as far away from everyone else as I can. The female and male, who was sitting next to her, walk further into the vehicle, a few moments later we begin to move.

What have I gotten myself into? Did I make the right decision?

Then come the questions, they all start asking questions at the same time, I just sit there in silence. I try to block them out, but they're too noisy. I start to get a headache, so I take a deep breath, stand up and shout in the loudest voice I can muster "BE QUIET!" Everyone stops talking, I then speak in an angry voice, which makes my natural accent clearer, but I don't mind it "You wanna know more 'bout me, I get it! But wait! You're already taking me with ya and I'm sure you'll getta be there when your leader tortures me for information!" More questions float around "Where are you from?" "Torture!?." "Yeah, what're you-?" "SHUT IT!" They fall silent again, I let out a heavy sigh and sit back down on the seat, with my head in my hands.

Take a deep breath, just ignore 'em, don't let 'em get to ya. You've made it this far alive, so whatever you do... don't kill 'em.

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