Part 1

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I'm awoken by loud banging and shouting, the door to my bedroom bursts open and a man runs over to me "We must leave at once, you aren't safe here." I sit up in bed "What's going on? Where are my parents?" "Your father is fighting and your mother is being woken up." He grabs a coat and shoes, I quickly get ready and he leads me out of the room, we run down a corridor and wait in front of my mother's bedroom. She opens the door and wraps her arms around me, she picks me up and looks to the two men "Let's get going." We make our way to the stables, mother and I get on a horse together.

We ride to safety, but the journey itself isn't safe, we're attacked. The men accompanying us are killed, my mother and I are taken captive by the enemy. They stand around, watching us. Mother and I sit on the cold stone floor, huddled together to keep warm. I cry, for what feels like hours. All of a sudden, one of the enemy grabs my mother and roughly pulls her away from me "Mother!" "Let go of me! Be brave, Rione!"

There's nothing I can do, I can't take on these men, they're too strong, there are too many of them.

I watch as she's dragged off into the distance. I stay sitting alone for ages, until one of the men grabs me, hauls me over his shoulder and runs. I can hear shouting in the distance as all of the enemy are running. I look up at the voices, I see some familiar faces running towards us, but the enemy are faster. The gap between us and them is getting larger, until I can't see my people any longer. I end up falling into a dreamless sleep as the enemy continues to run, exhaustion finally got the better of me.

When I next open my eyes, I'm somewhere strange, somewhere I don't recognise, somewhere cold, so cold. I hear a voice behind me, but I don't dare turn around "You're going to be a good little girl and do as you're told, or else I might ignore my leader and skin you alive."

I snap open my eyes and bolt up, breathing a little heavy, I settle my breathing and glance around. I'm in my bed, in my room. I lay back down.

It was just that weird dream again, just relax. You're 'ere, you're fine.

I haul my legs over the bed and step onto the cold concrete floor, a shiver runs up my spine. I quickly head to the bathroom and get ready for the day. When back in my bedroom I get dressed in my black trousers, black boots, black tank top and black jacket, I pull my hair up and pull on my gloves. I walk to my bedroom door, I knock and wait for a response. The window at head height, opens, revealing my guard "You ready?" "Yep." He unlocks the door, opens it up and walks away, I follow closely behind him, we walk down the corridor of rooms, just like mine and step into the elevator.

Let's see what they've got in store for me today.

We step out of the elevator and arrive outside Mr Crab's office. I knock "Enter!" I open the door and step inside, leaving my guard outside "Sir." I salute him, he gestures for me to sit down "One of our test subjects got loose, we need you to kill him, before he causes anymore trouble." He hands me a photograph of a young male with dark skin "What's he capable of, Sir?" "He can create fire, so you might want to use a gun this time." I nod, he then tells me the last location he was spotted. I leave the room, this time my guard follows me. My stomach growls.

Not now! You're gonna have to wait, this mission needs to be done now!

I head straight for the armoury, grab two hand guns, ammo, two daggers and an earpiece. I then head to the back door and turn to my guard "Mr Crab knows where I'll be, I'll talk to you when I find my target or if I need help." He nods to me and puts in his earpiece, I do the same. I open the door, take a deep breath and start running as fast as I can.

When I finally get to the last witnessed location of the runaway, I check the information given to me, I see a marketplace and ask the first person I see. I put on an American accent, to match the locals "Excuse me? I'm looking for my friend, I think he may have come by here." I pull out the photograph, he nods "Yeah, he was running through here, maybe an hour or so ago." "Do you know which way he went?" "Actually, I do, he asked me for directions."


"He asked for the nearest city, which is Pittsburgh." "Thank you so much, Sir." "You're welcome. I hope you find your friend, he looked rather panicked." I nod "Thank you again." I put the photograph back in my pocket, the nice man points me in the correct direction and I start running. When I arrive in the city I have no idea where to start, so I click my earpiece "You there?" A few seconds later the familiar voice of my guard responds "Yeah, got him?" "Nope. I'm in a city, which is where he was heading for, can someone hack into Pittsburgh cameras and search for him?" "I'll see what I can do."

He probably went straight for public transport, to get further away. But where would he get the money? He'd steal it, of course!

"Check public transport first." "On it."

Better get me some cash.

I look at the busy sidewalks, full of people, packed closely together. I hide my grin, as I zip up my jacket to hide my weapons and let my hair loose to cover my earpiece. I head into the crowd. I find the perfect victim, a young female, her purse is hanging from her shoulder. I take a dagger out of my belt, I cut the strings of her purse as I walk by, the purse drops into my hand and she's none the wiser. I put the purse under my arm, the dagger back in my belt and casually walk along, until I reach a bench. I then sit down and look through the purse, I don't find a phone, but there is lipstick, a mirror, chewing gum and a wallet full of money. I put everything back and tie together the bits of straps left, to make a short strap, I put it over my shoulder, but hold onto it as well. I sit and wait for a response from base, after a while, I hear him "He was last seen getting on a train, heading to New York."

Damn it!

"You're off the case, the New York base is taking over." I sigh "Alright, I'm heading back." "Take your time, get yourself some food and just walk back. You've earned yourself a little break, Mr Crab agrees with me." "Thanks." I smile as I click my earpiece to silence it. I look around for a cafe, I find one, then buy myself a coffee and a muffin. I sit in the sun and eat, I then take a casual walk back to base. When I'm just coming up to the marketplace I got directions from, I hear my guard through my earpiece "SPARK!" "I hear the panic in his voice "What is it!? What's wrong!?" "We're under attack!"

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