Probably not since the date he and Hyungwon shared in this very park.

Hoseok still remembered the day as if it had happened only yesterday.

"Slow down, will you?" Hyungwon laughed, being forcefully pulled along the footpath by his boyfriend. "The swingset isn't going anywhere."

"No, but little kids are," Hoseok replied, turning to face his boyfriend so he could use two hands to drag him alone faster. "Come on, you walk like a sluggish giant!"

Hyungwon laughed. A light, mellow sound. One that was rich but also hollow at the same time.

"And if these 'little kids' get there before us, are you really going to kick them off the swingset so a pair of grown ass men can use them?"

"Yes," Hoseok answered, smiling sweetly up at his boyfriend.

"You know how your mum will feel about that - being a nursery teacher and all," Hyungwon retorted, still smiling like an idiot. "She'd disown you."

"And if that happens, you'll let me live with you, won't you?" Hoseok stopped walking to pull Hyungwon into a frontal hug, letting his arms fold around his neck as Hyungwon's hands instinctively settled on his waist. "Being the true gentleman you are."

"My mum would never let you live with us," Hyungwon shook his head in disbelief, his dimples beginning to show from smiling too much. "Sorry to break it to you, sweetheart."

Hoseok pouted as he unfolded his arms from Hyungwon's neck, yet Hyungwon still held a firm grip on his waist. Pretending to be upset, Hoseok attempted to free himself from his boyfriend's grip, managing to turn around so his back was facing the taller male.

But Hyungwon took this to his advantage and pulled Hoseok into him, now wrapping his arms around Hoseok's middle from behind and resting his head on his shoulder.

"Don't worry, babe. I'll sneak you in through my bedroom window and you can live in my bedroom with me. We can cuddle all day, everyday," Hyungwon whispered, kissing that spot behind Hoseok's ear that had him keening in his younger boyfriend's grip.

"Are you sure cuddling is all we'll do?" Hoseok asked suggestively, turning his head to smirk at the faintly disgusted look on Hyungwon's face.

"Now I know why my mum doesn't trust us to be alone together," Hyungwon joked, letting go of Hoseok's waist to hold his hand as the two continued walking.

Hoseok let a small smile cross his lips as his eyes located that same path he and Hyungwon had walked on consecutively all those years ago.

And that swingset. Hoseok refused to sit there unless he was with Minhyuk. Minhyuk had always managed to take Hoseok's mind off of the events that occurred with Hyungwon, and everything else about him. Minhyuk really was Hoseok's best friend.

When his eyes flickered over to that very swingset, Hoseok almost felt his breakfast swim back up his throat. But he willed it back down, his mouth dropping open in shock.

It couldn't be... Not here... Not now.

Hoseok rubbed his eyes and re-opened them, trying to force his mind to see something else other than...him.

But when he opened his eyes again, there was no mistaking it.

There, sitting so perfectly and tall was Hyungwon.

He was sitting slightly slouched but his height was still no joke. He wasn't swinging or anything, just sitting on one of the vacant swings, one of his long legs out in front of him and the other resting slightly behind him on his toes to stop the swing from moving.

He was holding his phone in one hand, the other hand tucked safely in the pocket of his dark grey denim jacket. Hoseok could've sworn he saw rips in the jeans Hyungwon was sporting effortlessly well, and his hair.

Hoseok wanted to go over there and slap him for looking so damn good with pink hair, even if the colour was beginning to fade ever so slightly. But he wouldn't dare even breathe if it brought Hyungwon's attention to him.

He watched as a small boy and an older woman who Hoseok presumed to be the boy's mother approached him, asking him something politely. Hyungwon looked up from his phone, smiling sweetly at the two as he nodded and stood up from the swing he was sitting on, bowing in apology as the little boy took his place.

And just like that, Hyungwon turned around.

He locked eyes with Hoseok and the latter had never moved so fast in his life.

Hoseok stood up so quickly he knocked over one of his crutches, catching the attention of Minhyuk who was helping the girl down the slide and a few other people who were close enough to hear the collision between aluminium and concrete.

Minhyuk was there in no time, able to pick up the crutch for Hoseok before the older male hurt himself trying to pick it up himself.

He noticed his friend's heavy breathing and looked at him in worry as he handed Hoseok back his crutch. But Minhyuk knew these signs. Hoseok was having a panic attack.

"Hey, hey, Hoseok. What's wrong? What happened?" Minhyuk asked, lightly grabbing the sides of Hoseok's face and directing him to look at him.

His face was going somewhat pale as the heaving breaths he took continued, and Minhyuk scanned that very face for any other signs of something worse.

"We need to go," Hoseok managed to gasp between breaths, eyes meeting Minhyuk's with so much raw panic it sent chills down the younger's spine. "Now." 


too soon?

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