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"Gotta run, Mum!" Hoseok exclaimed, smiling brightly as he stumbled into his Vans and grabbed his keys and phone from the table, sloppily kissing his mother on the cheek as she stood in front of the sink washing dishes.

The woman chuckled before turning her head to the side to see her son practically climbing over the furniture in the living room to reach the front door.

"Hoseok," she called out to him, placing a hand on her hip as he turned around, bouncing on the balls of his feet in anticipation.

Hoseok always had to be moving, one way or another. He could never sit still for more than five minutes, which often landed him in a lot of trouble throughout school and college. But that was just down to Hoseok's energetic nature. He was just like a hyperactive puppy, bouncing from one wall to the next within a matter of seconds.

"Remember to have fun, Honey," she reminded softly, and Hoseok stopped bouncing for a few seconds to smile at his mother, showing off those pearly whites she loved so much.

"I will, Mum," Hoseok reassured before he was back to bouncing on his toes this time as he reached for the door handle and yanked the door open rather violently - unintentionally of course. "I'll be back before dinner, bye, I love you!"

The moment Hoseok stepped outside, he immediately inhaled a big breath of fresh air. He loved Anyang. Being born and raised in such a tranquil and peaceful place is exactly what Hoseok needed in life. He'd heard stories about kids raised in more urban areas of South Korea turning out to be criminals or college dropouts, but not Hoseok and his friends.

He often wondered if the reason for his hyperactivity was down to the fact that the area was so quiet and he mainly needed to make up his own fun when he was a child.

Of course, even though this may have been the case, Hoseok was still raised perfectly by his goddess of a mother, who he was extremely grateful for. How she managed to keep up with his energy had always been an unanswered question in the back of Hoseok's mind.

He had the manners of a prince and never hesitated to put other before himself. He had earned many kisses on the cheek from elderly ladies who he had helped cross the street over the years.

His father had left the two of them just about when Hoseok was old enough to walk, talk and understand certain signals and facial expressions. He noticed his parents weren't happy together by the age of two and seemed less than surprised when his father upped and left them one day.

But, as harsh as this sounded, Hoseok was actually glad his father had left them when he did because having him gone made his mother happier and Hoseok wouldn't even dream of being raised by someone else other than his mother.

She was the real MVP.

As always, Anyang was quiet in the mornings, the only sounds being made coming from seagulls and other types of birds chirping and occasionally the waves from the sea crashing down onto the shore. And the weather was just right.

Although the sky looked grey and somewhat gloomy, the rain that fell was always warm and light. It never made Hoseok feel like he needed to hurry to find safety from the water droplets. In fact, it made him savour the feeling of warm rain dripping off of his eyelashes and down his cheeks.

But it wasn't raining today. The sun was out despite the early hour and the weather only happened to brighten Hoseok's mood, if that was even possible.

The coins in Hoseok's pockets jingled as he sped his bike along the various pathways that would lead to the arcade he was meeting his friends at. And his boyfriend.

A natural smile parked itself on Hoseok's face at the thought of Hyungwon and seeing him again. Beautiful, perfect Hyungwon. Hoseok couldn't remember the last time he'd seen Hyungwon, even though it probably wasn't that long ago.

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