Chapter 6

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Nothing good ever lasts. This applies to most people. Sometimes, though, Dean felt that the phrase was first used to describe the Winchesters. They never, ever got a break.

His day had been going quite well. The weird 'Castiel might know about my dream' incident, not included. Dean snorted in amusement. He seemed to be having a number of incidents lately. All of them related, somehow, to Castiel. He should be worried, but he really wasn't.

He had english and spanish with Ash. Dean, as usual, wasn't paying attention. More content to laze around an slacking with Ash. The it was Gym with Adam. It had been more funny than Dean expected. Coach Crowley chasing Adam Had been the highlight of the day. But Adam could run though, Dean made a mental note to never havea race with Adam. It would only result in his losing his manhood.

And lo, came Chemistry. If it was a movie, Cehmistry would have probably been the horn that sounds the arrival of the enemy. Dean never really caed about his grades, but Chemistry was one he couldn't care less about. He hated the subject. Never understood it and frankly. never wanted to.

It had, to his surprise, started off well. Or maybe that was just the calm before the storm. He had been sitting next to Chuck minding his own business when Mrs.Jody decided to pair people up for assignments. For the whole academic year.

And of course, Dean had to be stuck with Castiel. In addition with being paired with someone who hated his guts, he was also at the recieving end of glares. Oh yeah, the universe fucking loved to fuck with him.

 Dean sat next to Castiel. All thoughts of being nice for Sam's sake brushed away as soon as Castiel opened his mouth.

"You are on your own. I will not help you unless told to by Mrs.Jody." Dean wrinkled his nose in disguist. What an asshole.

"I never assumed to be asking the likes of you for help." Dean retorted.

"Unfortunately, the likes of you always do." It ws an epic glare off between the two boys.

"And you're judging me based on what?" Dean snarled, clearly pissed.

Your complete inability to look infront while you walk."

Dean growled in anger, opening his mouth to retort when the buzzing of the bell interuppted him. Cstiel smirked at him, his eyes openly mocking the Wincheter before he walked away.

Dean walked over to Chuck, fuming while walking to the cafeteria.

"Who the fuck does that guy think he is? Arrogent prick." He exclaimed as he, quite literally, fell on  chair next to Pamela.

"Castiel?" Jo asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Look, Dean is pissed with his angel" Dean scrowled at Ash while he high-fived Adam, both laughing like mad.

"Dean!" Dean looked around, instantly recognising his brother's voice. He spottd Sam, waving hysterically. Dean would have laughed at the sight if Sam wasn't waving him over to Castiel's table. He shook his head at his brother, indicating that he did not want to come over.

He turned back to his table and stabbed a fork at Pamela's fries. Which earned him a smack on the back of his head.

"Oww!" Dean exclaimed, rubbing his head.

"You do not eat my fries, Winchester!"

"I'm hungry!"

"Buy your own dickwad."

Dean joined in on the laughter, though trying to steal another one before he was interuppted by the one and only Sam Winchester.

"Dean" He sighed and tunred to face his brother.

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