Chapter 2

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Dean looked around at what was going to be his home for the next two months, three if his father didn't goof up. The room was big, no luxuriously big but bigger than the places they had stayed before. It was a white room which didn't look welcoming at all, but Dean was happy with anything that wasn't the pukey green they had once had in St. Louis.

"Dibs on the lower one." Sam's voice brought Dean away frm his thoughts. There was a bunk bed at the corner, he smirked.

"Alright, sissy." Sam scrowled at his brother.

A tap on the door diverted the attention of the boys. John was standing holing a stack of papers in his hand. The brothers stared, unsure of what to do. John grunted, laid the papers on the table and walked away. Sam looked at his brother, questioningly. Dean shrugged. He had no clue what was in that stack. Sam roll his eyes, walking over to the table and carefully examinin them.

"It's applications for school. We'll probably have to submit it tomorrow." Sam stated, causing Dean to groan.

"We just moved here! Aren't you supposed to go around getting to know people?" Sam raised his eyebrows at the question.

"And since when have we ever done that Dean? And school is a place where we meet people and make friends." Dean scoffed.

"I don't know if you noticed, Sammy, but I was exactly Mr. Popular in the schools we've been to." Dean grumbled, causing Sam to sigh in exasperation.

"Dean. You have to try atleast."

"Yeah, sure whatever."  Dean said, dismissively.

"Dean." Sam had his puppy face on, which even the stubborn Winchester couldn't refuse.

"Fine, Sammy. Now go to sleep, I don't need you bitching about being late tomorrow." Sam rolled his eyes but got into his bed.

"It's Sam. Goodnight."

"Goodnight Sammy."

Dean switched off the lights and climbed into his bed. It wasn't long before he heard the gentle snores of his brother. He smiled, Sam was growing at an alarming rate. He had almost reached Dean's height. His thoughts returned to the prospect of school, which made him sick.

School had never been  happy place for Dean Winchester. He wasn't smart, but he wasn't dumb either. A mediocre student with average (sometimes below average) grades, he rarely paricipated in any type of sports, mostly cause he never had the time. He inhaled deeply ad turned over banishing his thoughst of school. Hopefully Sam would have a good time here.

Soon, the older Winchester drifted off to sleep dreaming of bright lights and Led Zeppelin.


Cas will appear in the next chapter :3 Hope you liked it!

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