Things arent Awful

Start from the beginning

"MsMalcom," the English teacher says with an unreadable expression, "Now would be a good time to present your project to the class, seeing as you told me you'd have it finished today,".

A black haired girl in the front row goes red, "It's at the house, Miss, I promise. I swear to God I done it"

"Did" I corrected her under my breath. For a moment I went red remembering the people around me could here me, then I realised I wasn't the only one that had spoke.

The blonde boy next to me had said the exact thing.

He looked at me and gave another shy smile, which I managed to return slightly.

"Now," the teacher clapped her large hands, "On the note of school projects, we're going to be doing one!"

The class groans in union.

"...with a partner,"

Their faces lift. Girls are quickly making eye contact with each other, confirming that they'll be working together.

"And everybody will be doing it with the person next to them,".

I put my head down on the desk. I wish I could just evaporate into nothing.

"The project will be on one quote," she continues, "One quote from any book that you and your partner agree on. You should do a large paragraph on what you think the quote represents, and an A3 poster on it, including illustration, the quote in large text and key words and phrases. You'll be given about five weeks to complete this, which is more than enough time for excellent papers and posters. And be careful, because this project counts for a lot of your end of year grade!"

The class falls into a sea of outraged conversation.

"Starting from now!" The teacher yells.

I look at the boy, he looks back.

"Hi," he says, hiding his shyness, "I'm Adam,"

I smile half heartedly, "Hi, I'm Indigo,"

We fall into another awkward silence. This time I break it.

"So, what quote should we do? I feel like we should do one from a classic,".

"Ok," he says, "have you read 'Of Mice and Men'?"

I shake my head, "Have you read 'Treasure Island'?"

He shakes his head, "Have you read..."

We go about all this asking and shaking for almost five minutes then he says, "Have you read 'Animal Farm'?"

I laugh with relief, "Ugh, thank god! Yeah, I have,"

He smiles as well, "Awesome!" He says.

We fall into conversation about animal farm, and then we drift into other things and before I know it.

"So, did you have like, a boyfriend back in Scotland that you had to leave behind,".

I blush slightly, "No, never,"

His eyes widen, "You're kidding,"

"Nope," I say, popping the 'p'.

"You must have left behind a lot of friends, though,"

I smile sadly, "Actually, my last set of friends were pretty bitchy. It was probably a good thing me leaving them. It was getting pretty toxic,"

"Jeez," he says, "sounds harsh,".

"Yeah," I say, gaining confidence, " But I'm moving away from all that now. I'm going to be happy this time,".

"Whoop whoop," He choruses unenthusiastically.

I laugh. "I'm not really very close to finding new friends,"

He looks insulted, "You've got me,"

I smile. He's so nice. He could be a good friend.

I decide to tell him about the whole 'Chris thing'. He nods and listens intently.

Once I've finished speaking he thinks to himself for a while.

"He's so into you," he simply says.

I go red and give him a look, "Into me?,".

"Well, Obviously," He says which makes me go even redder, "Imagine - a pretty, funny girl joins your class. He's even willing to give up his national solos just to spend more time with you!"

I think about it. And end up smiling like an idiot.

He laughs at me.

Then the bell rings.

"Hey," He says before I walk away, "You should sit next to me and the guys at lunch," he sees my expression, "there's girls there as well," he says quickly.

"Yeah, ok," I say, "It's not really like I've got anything better to do,"

He leads me to a cute little table in the corner of the room, with two boys and two girls already sitting there. They smile at me.

"Indigo," Adam says, "This is Jenny ( Her and Thomas are a thing )and Hope," he says pointing to the girls, "And that's Thomas and that's - "

"I'm Daniel," the brown haired boy says, "But you can call me , anytime,"

I laughed and sat down.

Jenny and Hope started talking away to me, asking me about Scotland and telling me the gossip on everyone one table at a time.

"... And that table," Jenny begins, "That's the popular table,"

"They're all a mixture of bitches and sluts," Hope says, "But do you see that girl in the middle, with dark brown hair with highlights?"

I nod.

"That's Melanie McCoy. She's the most horrible, slutty, selfish and back-stabbing person you'll ever meet in your life,".

"She's hot," Daniel says quietly.

That boy is in a world of his own, I swear to God.

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