All for one and one for all

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A couple of days passed since Harley had moved into her new apartment. Luckily for her, FP was on his way out when she went to pick her stuff up.

"So, we're throwing a party, aye?" - Toni said, sorting the groceries into the fridge and kitchen cabinets.

"It's just a get-together with our closest friends. My apartment doesn't really allow a party." - she chuckled.

"Are you inviting the Northsiders?" - Fangs asked.

"Well..." - she shrugged. - "Betty is Jug's girlfriend and Andrews is his childhood best friend." - she mumbled.

"So it's not just closest friends." - Sweet Pea rolled his eyes.

"Oh, c'mon, Pea." - Harley looked at him. - "It won't last too long. If you guys get bored, I'll just end the party and we'll head to the Wyrm. They sure won't follow us there." - she smiled. - "Plus, I bought alcohol." - she grinned.

"Okay, you're onto something there, Novak." - Sweet Pea smirked.

"We could even invite Cheryl, I bet Toni would love that." - Harley smirked.

"Shut up, Harley." - Toni's cheeks changed their colour to a light pink.

"Anywho," - Harley sat on the couch after everything was in its rightful place. - "have you guys seen or spoken to Juggie lately?" - she asked.

The Serpent friends glanced at each other, but Harley didn't notice. - "Why?" - Toni asked.

"Well, it's just that, I haven't really seen him around at all, since I left the trailer." - she huffed. - "And he won't answer my calls, or texts. I didn't want to ask Betty, since she is my last resort, so I'm asking you guys."

"How should we know what Jones is up to?" - Sweet Pea asked.

"I didn't think you would, since you hate his guts, for some reason." - Harley rolled her eyes. - "But I thought that Toni definitely, or even Fangs would know."

"Why are you asking, tho?" - Fangs spoke up.

"Cause, he's my friend too, Fogarty. I really bonded with him, during the time I spent at his place. And he was the first person to befriend me here. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have been talking to you guys right now." - she smiled. - "And, there was something that has been really bugging me since a couple of days ago." 

"What?" - Sweet Pea asked.

"Well, the day that I left the trailer I went to Pop's and I saw him there and there was something, obviously, bothering him. He didn't want to tell me what it was and he usually always tells me if he has a problem, whether it's girlfriend or gang related. And at one point his phone rings and he grabs it right away, before the caller ID even showed on the screen. He seemed really worried and hurried out. Plus, FP thought he was with Betty, since that was what he had told him and when I asked him where she was, he was confused as hell."

The three friends exchanged looks again.

"What was that?" - Harley asked, this time acknowledging what was happening in front of her.

"What was what?" - Sweet Pea asked.

"Don't act stupid." - she frowned. - "That glance, that look you gave each other, I saw that. I saw it earlier, but I didn't think much of it, but now, I assume that you guys know exactly what's going on with Jughead and you don't want to tell me."

"It's for your own good." - Toni mumbled.

"Toni!" - Fangs warned.

"Dude, can't you keep your mouth shut for once?" - Sweet Pea glared at her.

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