One Chance To Live

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In the early morning after the bloody night of Megumi, she found herself in a large room of the Shinsengumi's headquarters with people gathered together with her sitting next to the two men she had met yesterday after saving a geiko and killing two ruffians without really wanting to shed blood. It was still dark and all of them had barely gotten any sleep, especially Megumi. As soon as they had arrived, Saito went ahead and reported to his higher-ups so there they were, in what Megumi concluded was the common room or something.

She recognised the ones present a little from the conversations of the villagers she had overheard since she had set foot in Kyoto.

Next to her was the one man she admired quite a lot, with brown hair and emerald green eyes with some kind of carefree aura around him, it was Souji Okita, the captain of the first division of the Shinsengumi.

Next to him was a very serious, and handsome, man who looked older with long black hair tied in a ponytail and purple eyes which according to Megumi, could have pierced her soul. This man was none other than Toshizo Hijikata, the Vice-Commander of the Shinsengumi who was nicknamed as the Demon Vice-Commander and somewhere Megumi understood why he had gotten the nickname because his presence was enough to scare her.

Then there was the Commander, Kondou-san they called him and he seemed to be fervently trying to avoid making eye contact with Megumi as he looked uncomfortable by the presence of a young boy in this room. Young ones did not belong here after all.

There was a bespectacled man who looked very calm and he observed Megumi with curious eyes of examination. He seemed like the nicest out of the bunch but Megumi could feel a sort of fright whenever she looked at this man. She ignored his name and could not recall having seen him.

The last person present was the silent Hajime Saito who had barely spoken at all in contrary to Okita who seemed to enjoy teasing Megumi and joking with the others. Megumi would sometimes find Saito staring at her but he never spoke.

Because it was much too early, the other captains had not been informed of Megumi's presence and although she found it quite strange, they were trying their best to hide her and keep the matter quiet.

"Shouldn't we alert the others?" Kondou insisted.

"I believe it was a little urgent," the man with glasses calmly said with a slight smile, "according to Saito-san..."

"Whatever happened then?" Hijikata asked Okita.

Okita was smiling wryly and simply said, "I dunno."

"Huh?" Hijikata let out with a disappointed face. "What the hell is this about then?"

"I dunno, I was about to kill this little guy here when Saito told me not to." He explained with a glance towards Megumi.

"Souji, what are you saying?!" Kondou angrily pestered at Okita. "It's just a kid, certainly he had nothing to do in what happened." But Kondou looked at Megumi with eyes of pity and his mouth went into a straight line as he realised it might be the opposite with all of the blood she had on her.

"Nope. I saw this kid covered with blood with two dead bodies around. Talk about innocence." Okita told Kondou, his smile gone.

"I see... What lead to this?" Sannan asked, looking at Megumi who felt incredibly pressured by all those stares she was getting.

"Actually, the two ronin were attacking a woman. This child saved the woman by killing them. I was told this by the woman herself who was running away from the scene." Saito explained. "The following also came from the said woman." He became more serious than he already was and continued, "The hair of the person who saved her suddenly changed silver and his eyes turned gold and proceeded to kill the two rogue samurai."

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