Where Were You

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Charlie's  P.O.V
After we got checked into the hotel we went to bed, well I did but Leo snuck out. I didn't ask him about it though, he probably just went out to get some food. When I woke up I was going to take Leo out for breakfast but he had already eaten. The whole day Leo was acting really weird. I don't know why but he didn't even want to kiss me. I tried not to worry about it too much. At the meet and greet Leo seemed to have something on his mind, but I didn't ask him about it. I figured he was just having an off day. When we got back to the hotel Leo left to get food but he didn't come back. After he left I fell asleep, but I woke up to go to the bathroom at around 4:00 a.m. he still wasn't there. I was terrified. What if something had happened to him. I called him, but he didn't answer. I called again but no answer, so I called again and he finally picked. "Leo! Oh my god I was so worried, where are you, are you okay!?!" I was so scared. "I'm fine Charlie, I'll be back soon." He hung up. I didn't even know what to say. I couldn't get back to sleep. All I could think about was where the hell could he be and why wouldn't he tell me! I stayed up until he got back at around 6:50 a.m. "where were you! And don't say you were getting food!" He sighed. "I was on a date, then I went back to his house. I didn't plan on coming back so late, sorry" then he sat on the couch and got on his phone. I was absolutely speechless. My throat was dry and my eyes were filled with tears. I threw some clothes on and ran out of the hotel. I just couldn't be in that room anymore. I didn't know where to go so I just kept walking. I found a mall so I went in. I decided that the best thing to do was drown my sorrows in food court ice cream. It helped. I was ready to go back to the hotel. When I got back, Leo was talking to someone. I knew it was whoever he went out with last night so I went in the bedroom. I was pissed off at him. How could he! He can't just be with me then be with someone else. He can't just not like me anymore. He was all over me 2 days ago. It's not fair, I'm so in love with him and he spent the night at some random guys house. We haven't even been here that long, so he doesn't even know him. Does he have no shame! He is such a... SLUT! I went up to Leo, took his phone, and hung up on his boy toy. "Hey!" He yelled. "We need to talk about this, you know that right, I mean you can't just come in at seven in the morning, tell me were hooking up with some random guy and not talk about it anymore. What about us! I thought you really..." he cut me off. "Don't yell at me, I am not your property. I can do whatever the hell I want and with whoever the hell I want to do it with. And my so called hook up has a name, it's Justin and I really like him so don't screw this up for me. When we became a thing you knew exactly what it was and what it wouldn't be. We weren't exclusive or official. So why don't we just go back to being best friends and pretend WE never happened." He walked away but I grabbed his hand and pulled him into me. I kissed him but he pulled away. "Don't you get it, we are not going to be together!" he sighed. "Charlie, I love you with all my heart and more, but not in a romantic way. I love you as my best friend and I don't want to lose you as a friend because we thought we felt something that we didn't actually feel" he hugged me, and I really needed that. I didn't know how to feel. Was Leo right? Was there really nothing between us. I'm just so confused. "How about we go get something to eat, I know a great place. We can talk more there." He said. I shook my head yes. He took me to this really nice restaurant. He told me about him and Justin. It was really hard to hear, but I knew I had to listen. We got some great food and left. Afterwards I felt so much better. He made me realize that I love him as a brother, which makes sense because he is a brother to me. Me and Leo's little love affair was just for fun I guess. I just can't wait until this is all over and everything goes back to the way it was.

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