a psa to af writers and applicants

58 5 18

af meaning 'applyfics'

if you're not an af writer, or an af applicant, you don't have to read this lol

anyways, this is my two cents on afs but you dont gotta agree with everything

1. a little detail please

i've seen so many forms, receiving end and not, that are so under-detailed and probably copy-pasted from a variant of another form, the backgrounds barely changed, the name always either 'bae hana' 'kim hana' 'lee soyeon' or 'kim jungkook' 'jeon taehyung' and ugh

first off, A LITTLE THOUGHT IN YOUR FORMS WONT KILL ANYONE?? it only takes a few extra minutes ??? all these one-sentence backgrounds, bullet-form personalities and 'jungkook's girlfriend's make me so angry dont @ me

second, can you guys ??? think of more names for your trainees like fuck,, check out websites with baby names!! its a few clicks away !!!!!

third, do not just copy paste your form onto another af's form because each af has a different story, even if it is an ent af. i get sick of seeing people use trainees they already have in other ents being entered into mine, but i don't reject them bc im not an asshole.

2. for god's sake, don't make reservations possible [ for slots ]

i cant stress this enough.

for one thing, it doesn't give people a fair chance to make a form for the slot they want, because some
person already reserved the damn slot!

most especially, you don't know if the slot you'll receive will be shitty! that why i feel guilty reserving slots because i feel like i'll be depriving other people of a chance they want!!

reservations for face claims and such are fine, but slots ?? that is a gigantic no-no for me

3. 'this is a girls-only club!'

i feel like the ratio of girl characters in afs to guy characters is like, 80:1 and part of that is me, since most of my ocs are male

back when i hadn't rebooted my ent af, i couldn't even make subunits for team us&we because of the lack of guy trainees while i could make two for team u&i.

plus i've heard from a friend that someone actually told him that 'afs are for girls only' and im just so angry

which is why i love bg afs, but most of those bg afs allow reservations :(

4. dont make new characters

what i hate the most: people making new characters out of slots with designated personalities.

like ive seen this so many fuckin times, especially with my nct af ?? it pisses me off to no end like goddamn is my writing hard to understand???? did i fail on my part or what ????

and the face claims often dont match and im just,,, fuck

5. suddenly deleting

if you're an af writer, don't just suddenly delete your afs without telling anyone?? i know i fell short on that on a couple of occasions but i try to be consistent

you can make a note for people !!! you can still ask them to tag people, or just say you want to delete the af!!!! its that easy like holy shit

anyways thats all bc i cant think of anything else kthxbye

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2018 ⏰

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