Chapter 11

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~Your POV~

It was the day of the ball. Currently, I was trying to get my corset on.

"John, can you help me with my corset?"

"Of course, I'm coming."

He runs into the room and blushes, seeing me.

"My eyes are here. Now please help with this stubborn corset."

John laughs a bit and nods, tying the corset.

"That's nice, I can still breathe. Thanks."

"No problem. You look stunning, by the way."

He admires my body.

"Again, eyes up here."

I pull the skirt on and then put on the rest of the dress.

"Y/n, sorry about staring. It's just a bit, how you say, tempting...?"

"It's fine as long as it doesn't tempt you to do something that Aaron wouldn't approve of."

"Never, without your permission, of course." John winked at me.

I roll my eyes. "Let's go, turtle boy."

"Turtle boy?"

"New nickname."

"What's Laf's?"



"And then Herc is still Herc. Alex is still Alex. Aaron is A-Aaron."

"I like Burr's nickname. I call him Butt sometimes to annoy him."

"He doesn't enjoy that."

"Yeah, I know. Anyways, would you care to join me, the carriage is here."

"Of course."

I take John's hand and we walk into the carriage. Alex is already in there.

"So... Are you to, like, a thing now?"

I shake my head.

"I just stayed over at his house because... secrets."

"I understand. A few secrets you'd like to keep in bed?" Alex winks.

"Not that kind of secrets!" John yells, turning red.

I look around, confused.

"She doesn't get it." Alex whispers something else in John's ear. John nods in response.

"Herc! Over here!" I yell, trying to get him to pay attention. If he doesn't get here soon, the carriage will leave soon.

Herc notices and turns around and waves at me. "I'm coming! Wait for meeeeeee!"

Herc runs over to us, sitting next to Alex. The carriage starts to move again.

"Looking good guys. Y/n, you look stunning."

"Thank you."

"How come I'm not stunning?" Alex pouts jokingly.

The rest of us laugh at him.

"Because Y/n actually makes a dress look good. Trust me, you in a dress and a corset wouldn't look good."

"How do you know?" Herc wiggles his eyebrows.

"Nope. Ew. Stop. Alex save me."

Alex and I laugh, exchanging glances.

"Laf! We're here! Get your Butt in here, Butt!" John yells to Aaron and Laf.

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