Chapter 29

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(Hi! Quick question before the chapter starts: Would you guys read a JeffMads fan fiction if I publish it?)

~Your POV~

I look through the window of Laf's house. He's sipping soup slowly, tears falling down his face. I fight the urge to rush in and shower him in kisses. Instead, I knock on the door. He opens it. When he sees me, his face lights up.

"A little birdie told me that you haven't gotten sought sleep." I joked.

"Y/n! I'm so so so so sorry!" He hugs me. "Mon amour, I 'ave missed you so much!"

"I have, too... Also, don't get mad, but I work for Hercules. I was there when you visited him. He convinced me to see you again."

He doesn't respond. He presses his lips against mine, lustfully. I pull away.

"Goddammit!" He mumbles under his breath.

"Laf, I can't just kiss you. I need time."

"Soup?" He offers.


I sit down at the table as he pours me some soup.

"Y/n I've been looking everywhere for you."

"I know. I've been going everywhere..."

"I don't want you to leave my sight for so long. I can't live without you."

"Laf, I love you, too."

"When will the wedding be?"

"The what?"

"The wedding."

"Oh, um... How about in a year? It'll be in summer. I want a summer wedding."

"How about in June? Because I'd love one in June."

"Alright. June... Thirteenth?"

"Cabinet meeting, sorry. Also, that's unlucky."

"It's not a Friday. Fourteenth?

"I'm good."


(I did my research! June 15, 17994, Sunday. We love weekend weddings! Back to the story!)

"Now, who should we invite?" I ask him.

"Alex, 'Ercules, Thomas."

"James, Eliza, Angelica, Peggy. Your parents. Uhm... Can Aaron be my makeshift father?"

"Oui. 'E acts like one, anyways."

"True. Also, let's invite the Washingtons. You know the president personally, don't you?"

"Oui, we slept under a tree together after the Battle of Monmouth."

"I didn't mean that personally!"

"I'd love to say I'm joking, but I'm not."

"...You slept under a tree with your general..."


"What's next, you guys cuddled, too?" I joke.

"Non! Non! I only cuddle with you!"

"Alright. Back to wedding planning. Thomas as the best man, since Aaron is the father-figure for me. Can we have Peggy be the maid of honor?"

"Sure. Anything for you, mon amour."

"Such a flirt."

"I'm your flirt."

I roll my eyes at Laf.

"I should get back to Herc. I still have work."

"Of course, ma cheri. Tell 'im 'zat I say 'zank you."

"Will do. Get some rest. I want you asleep when I get home."


I walk back to Herc's shop, but someone grabs my arm during the walk.

"Pardon me, I'm in a bit of a rush right now. You see, I need to get to my job."

"You're Y/n L/n, right?"

"What's it to you if I am?"

"Stay away from my 'usband, sauf si vous ne voulez pas vivre un autre jour."

I flinch at her threat.

"Who may your husband be?"

"Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette. I was sent to America to fetch 'im and bring 'im back 'ome"

"Oh, I did not know that he was married. My apologies Mrs...?"

"Mrs. Adrienne Lafayette. I 'zank you for taking care of mon amour, but I must bring 'im back, now. Au revoir." She walks away.

I rush to Hercules' shop.

"Herc! You gotta help me!"

"What is it?"

"Laf has a wife!"

"Yeah, you...?"

"No! Like he's already married!"


"Herc, I don't know what to do. Laf never spoke of her, and now suddenly she just appears!"

"I'm going into that bastard's house! Gimme a knife."



"No need for you to go to jail because of this!"

"Fine... But I'm gonna at least punch him a few times?"

"No. You will keep working like the good store owner you are." I glare.

"Alright, alright! Fine, fine!"

"Any more clothes I need to put on?"

"Not right now..." He's rapidly seeing two pieces of silk together.

"If I'm not needed, I'm going to check in on Alex at his work."

"Alright. Tell him I say hi."

"Will do."

Good thing that his work is really close by because I got to it within ten minutes.

"Mr. Washington, pleasure meeting you."

"Who may you be...?"

"I am Alexander's friend, Y/n. And Thomas'... I was wondering if I could visit them?"

"Sure. They both talk a lot about you."

"All good things, I hope."

He nods. "Follow me, I'll show you to their offices. They're on opposite sides of the room for a reason..."

I giggle a bit, knowing the hatred between the two boys. I can't call them men when they fight like five-year-olds.

"Mr. Hamilton, you have a visitor. I recommend you actually speak with your visitor, unlike last time."

Alex looks up. "Ah, my apologies! Why hello there, Y/n. Are you alright?"

The president walks away.

"No. Laf already has a wife. He's been married this whole time, and he hasn't told me anything about it!"

"How do you know?"

"A woman with a French accent walked up to me and warned me to stay away from 'her husband'."

"I'm going to murder that little co-"

"Woah, Hamilton, language!" Thomas walks up to me, kissing my cheek. "How've you been, Y/n?"

"She just found out that Laf was married. Already. She's not fine, so don't you try saying that you are, Y/n."


"No buts, you aren't alright."

"Y/n, how about you, James, and I grab some tea and talk a bit?"

"Sure. Bye, Alex."

"Bye, Y/n."

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