Part 4

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Alice's Point Of View

Ruki and the others should be back from School soon so i'll have a chance to sneak out and see Subaru it's been a while since i last saw him, more than a week and poor Stella has been staying with us.

i am in the garden with Stella when i can hear voices i guess Yuma and the others are home shit Stella is still in the garden, i grabbed her picked her up bridal style and jumped up to the balcony into her room and placed her on the bed and had fallen asleep so i left,

i walked down the stairs to see Ruki, Kou, Yuma and Asuza standing by the door,

" how's our little Mascokitty" Kou says to me

" She's fine, she's asleep in her room" i say

" why the fuck are you hanging around with her when she's meant to be our plan to become Adam" Ruki says shouting

" well if you hadn't noticed brother, i am the only female and wanted some female company" i said to him

" well sis i see why you hang out with her a lot but i'm sorry to do this" Ruki says sticking his fangs in my neck knocking me out

i feel to the ground with a thud i remember being picked up bridal style

" what the fuck has gotten into him man" Yuma said

i was being carried up some stairs and placed onto a bed

" i am sorry to have to do this sister" Ruki says before the footsteps fade and the sound of a door locking

Yuma's Point Of View

i can't believe that Ruki has knocked Alice out and locked her in her room because of this stupid plan i decided to sit with her until she woke up i had bought her dinner i had unlocked the door and walked in and sat on the edge of her bed putting her food on the bedside table

she woke up

" Hey Alice how are you feeling" i asked to her

" oh hey Yuma what the fuck happened" Alice asked me

" Ruki knocked you out and he's locking Stella in a basement room" i said to her

" we have to help her" Alice says trying to get up but falls on her bed

i lean in and have a look at her neck, Ruki's bite marks haven't healed

" Damn Alice he got you good" i say to her

" you must eat first before we go anywhere she takes the plate off the table, and sets it down infront of her and starts eating after she's finished i then pick her up bridal style and take her downstairs to see Kou and Asuza at the bottom

" Damn what happened to her" Kou says with a worried tone

" Ruki is what happened to her" i say

" what" Kou says

" Ruki sunk his fangs into her causing her to black out and she can't walk" i say

" stop worrying about me and stop Ruki" Alice manages to say

" shit how can he do that to other vampires" kou asks

" i don't know man" i reply

we search the house top and bottom until we here screaming i ran to the sound with Alice in my arms, when we arrived Ruki had his hands on Stella's arms

" Ruki what's wrong" Stella says

he just stares at her then grabs her hand and pulls her down the stairs to the basement, we all follow him to see him sink his fangs into her neck causing her to fall unconscious and shuts the door than locks it while staring at his hands. I walk up to him with Alice still in my arms i place my free hand on his shoulder

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