After that thought Sakura ran out.

"Lady Tsunade, one of them are awake."

"Alright lets go scare some people."

They both walked down the stairs into the hull of the ship.

"Alright where is he?" asked Tsunade.

"Over there milady," Answered Sakura while pointing to a group of people tied in the corner of the hull. Tsunade did a claim walk over to the group and looked over them. Her eyes landed on the man who had his yellowish eyes looking at her.

"So, you are awake then, Sakura leave us," She commanded hoping to scare the man some. It seemed to work beco8use the man while keeping a straight face while he was sweating bullets. Sakura did a quick bow and tried to look scared of Tsunade as she ran out of the room to scare the man, that also worked, now he looked ready to pee his pants.

"Now than," started Tsunade as she turned around to face the man with a blank face, "Where is Naruto Uzumaki?"

"I don't know who you are talking about," At Tsunade's face he hurriedly explained, "We are only told the prisoners number not their name."

"Fine than, any other way to know who we are talking about? Like looks or something?"

"No, they always have a bag over their head and are rapped in a  wooden cocoon-like thing, so looked wouldn't work only their numbers."

"How do you find out their numbers?"

"They are always on the branding tattoo under the main design."

"I'll be right back if you have moved an inch there will be hell to pay." With that Tsunade walked up the stairs to the deck were the others where. "Everyone listen up, dose anyone know Naruto's prisoner number?"

"It 21," replied the children.

"Alright thank you." Tsunade Then turned around and walked down the stairs once again. After she was gone Kiba walked up to the children.

"How did you know his prisoner number?" asked Kiba in a confused/ intrigued voice.

"He's a big deal around the prison, he was the only one to escape before we did. He was everyone's hope, light, friend, and some times he was just someone to go and cry your problems to. He never gave up or let his treatment get to him. While he was there the number of people that ended it all went down a good ways, after he left those number shot up again. People tell stories of the yellow haired angel that was always there to help. Some times people would go and brag that they got a cell next to 'The Confuter',  'Angel With Yellow Hair', or 'The Silent Child'-"

Emma was interrupted by Sasuke who stated, "The Silent Child?"

Thature answered him, "Yes people say he never screamed or cried out for the people to stop, he just stayed silent. It got to the point where the man/woman who ran the place would hire rouge ninja to make him scream. Nothing ever worked, that is why he was the favorite and know as 'The Silent Child'."

"Oh, OK, continue please."

"As I was saying, he went by many names, the day he left everyone thought the broke the 'Never Braking One'. One day a man over heard some guards talking about finding the Favorite. He spread the word and ,even though he wasn't there, he gave everyone hope again. Number 21 became the number for an the angel in the prison. He changed to ways there and gave everyone a back bone, now he's back and doing it again," concluded Emma.

"So, where any of you mad he left you guys?"

"Some people were complaining that the angel left them, but people kept saying that he left to get strong enough to tare down the walls and free us all," Explained Lilly.

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