I am F I F T E E N -

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 I was fourteen at the time, but it's still relevant.

I went trick or treating with my friends for the first time in October, and I had fun. Especially when everyone kept thinking Connor was the Joker (he was Jeff the Killer) and one person thought Roxie was Harley Quinn (she was Maka from Soul Eater). I lost it after that and I laughed until we got to the next house. Though I was a little upset no one recognized my costume, I was Mabel from Gravity Falls.

Anyways, we got to one house, and before I continue, I'm going to tell you I am short. I'm 4'10 and not getting any taller. And there were five of us, it didn't help that everyone was much taller than me.

So, we got to the house, and this one lady says to my friends "So you're taking your little sister trick or treating?" And everyone thought it was hilarious. I did not.....my parents had me order off the 10 and under menu until I was fourteen.

I think if I wore my glasses, maybe I'd look older, but I left them at Connor's House because they "ruined the costume".

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