"Mama ?" approached Tara. She was with Ranbir. I wiped my eyes and smiled to her.

"Yes, princess."

"Mama, Sushant Uncle said he want to meet Kriti Aunty."

"Oh, okay then. Where is he ?" asked Kriti.

"Garden." said Tara.

"Okay, come. Let's meet him. Come, Tara." said Kriti as she carried Tara with her. Without objections, Tara just followed her and leaving me with Ranbir at the balcony.

"Sweetheart..." said Ranbir, breaking the silence between us.

"Hmm ?" I said as I looked at him. He walked closer to me.

"Please don't cry." said Ranbir while caressed my cheeks with his thumbs. His eyes obviously shown how much he loves me. Those black eyes that makes me feel guilty each times he showed how much he cares about me.

"I'm sorry..." I said, wobbly.

"I promise you that I'll help you remember everything, okay ?" ensured Ranbir. I nodded as that was the last choice I have.

"We're going to that place tonight." added Ranbir.

"That place ?"

"Yeah, that place. The place that witness almost everything that happened in our life."

"You mean ?"

"You'll know it later." winked Ranbir before he walked away.

I held Tara's hands while we walked following Ranbir to a park that night. There's some people walked and enjoying the night view at the park too. Tara looks happy before said,

"Papa, it's been a long time since we came here."

Ranbir nodded his head and smiled. Then, we sat on the field which full of comfortable grass and before I could say anything,

"Welcome to Central Park. Our favourite place." said Ranbir while let Tara sat on his lap. I don't remember about it.

"Same pinch." said Ranbir as he pointed at our sneakers. We wore a pair of white sneakers. Actually, he asked me to wear it.

"Remember anything ?" asked Ranbir. I shook my head. Honestly, it's not that easy to answer his questions.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay. There's no need to say sorry." smiled Ranbir. He looked so calm but I know, deep inside his heart, he hope that I can remember something.

"Papa, look there ! Grandma and grandpa is looking at us." said Tara, pointed at the stars that beautifully compliments the night sky.

"Hi, Ma. Pa..." said Ranbir while smiled at the sky.

"Your parents..."

"Yeah, that's why we came here often and stargazing so that I can talk with my parents." said Ranbir.

I looked at him but then slowly my eyes shifted down when sympathy came into my heart. He lost his parents and now, he lost me. I'm alive but I don't remember him. It's like I'm a stranger. It must be so hard for him to loves someone that don't even remember about him. I'm trying my very best to remember everything but it's fail. He was my North, my South, my East and West, my working week and my Sunday rest. Why I can't remember anything about him ? A drop of tears started to stream down my cheek when I kept thinking about it.

"Papa, I think Mama is crying." whispered Tara to Ranbir. Her whispering was not that quiet enough. I can feel that Ranbir was looking at me before I looked at them.

"I think Mama heard us, Papa." whispered Tara again. I wiped my tears and smiled at her before I pulled her to make she sat on my lap.

"Why are you crying, Mama ?" asked Tara.

"Nothing, princess. I'm just...missing you so much." I excused and hugged her. Then, Tara pulled away and tried to make me smile by making all those funny faces. She's adorable. Ranbir just smiled looking at us before he told us that it's time to go home.

It's already nine in the night when we're arrived at home and Tara wanted to sleep. I changed her clothes before let her sleep. Then, I entered my room and saw Ranbir was standing at the balcony, looking at the night sky. I walked approaching him and stood besides him.

"Urmm, Ranbir..."


"I think I want to stay at my parents house for few days."

"Oh, for how long ?"

"I'm not sure."

"Why ?"

"I... I need some spaces." I said after took a deep breath. Ranbir smiled at me and nodded his head. He didn't questioned about my answer.

"Actually, I have something to give you..." said Ranbir while pulling something out from his pockets. It was a simple, customised 'Love' gold chain.

"It's yours." said Ranbir while giving me the chain.

"Love ? Who gave this to me ?" I enquired.

"Me. It's our anniversary gift before the... accident." explained Ranbir.

"Will you help me wear it, Ranbir ?" I asked and he nodded without hesitated.

I turned around so that my back facing him and moved my hair to my left shoulder so that he can put on the chain easily. I could feel his body just two steps away from mine. He put on the chain on my neck and honestly, his touch gave a different feelings towards me. I feel nervous but comfortable being so close to him. When his fingers touches my back, I closed my eyes because his touch gave me these unknown feelings. My heart beats so fast.

"Done." whispered Ranbir as he finished with the necklace. I opened my eyes and turned to look at him. He was still standing so close to me. Our eyes locked into each other. We were just two small steps away from each other. Then, Ranbir closer the gap between us. He cupped my face and said,

"Sweetheart, the more I hide my feelings for you, the more I fall for you..."

With that, Ranbir kissed my forehead and walked away from me but I stopped him.

"Where do you want to go, Ranbir ?"

"I'm going to sleep inside Tara's room. Goodnight, sweetheart."

Ranbir smiled and left me. I guess some hearts  understand each other even in silence.

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