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Welcome to Lightsborough High!

I wrote the first draft (the bare bones) of this story when I was 10 years old. As a junior in college, I am determined to give the characters the lives that they deserve. 

I hope that you enjoy the rollercoaster - that you might resonate with the characters, breathe with them, fall in love with them, and learn some things, too :-)

This story is a bit cliche (I mean I was 10 when I came up with the idea), but it also addresses some things that so many people deal with and don't talk about.

Here's a bit of a content warning for discussion of destructive/reckless and depressive tendencies.

Victoria's parts are typically a bit longer ¯\(ツ)/¯. Feel free to comment suggestions for our lovely cast! I will try to add to this note later on with some aesthetics, too.

Okay carry on! Enjoy, have fun, vote, and comment (literally anything)! I want to get to know my lovely readers :-)

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