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Soomin figured out that Hyunjin must've satisfactory prepared enough for the test and was not im the mood to study more.

"Ahh", Soomin said, "I think you are done studying and its already dark, I suggest you to go home have dinner and go through your notes one more time"

"What about your preparation Soomin?" Hyunjin asked carefully try not to provoke her anger as the pillow throwing scene just happened moments ago.

"I might do the same but im afraid that your mom might be worried for you, you should go and see her." Soomin said gently with a soft smile creeping on her face.

Hyunjin was awwed by how much Soomin cared for him. He stared to pack his stuff while Soomin gathered her notes from the bed and prepared to settle on her study table to continue further.

"Soomin" Hyunjin started softly, "thank you for helping me out today, I tried to fool around a lot but looking at you made me want to study more."

Soomin was at a loss of words all she coukd di was stand and satre at Hyunjin's face.

Hyunjin took few steps in Soomins direction and was standing really close to her.

He slowly cupped her face with both hands and gave her a short kiss in her forehead. As Hyunjin broke the kiss he smiled at Soomin and again kissed her cheeks lingering there for a second or two longer.

"Thank you" Hyunjin whispered for the kast time and left.

Soomin had no idea what was going on, everything happened in a flash.
All she knew was her heart was beating at the speed of light and she was blushing hard.

"Ahhh" Soomin let out a long sigh.
She clutched her chest and sat on her bed and thought to her self.
I really do love him~

• • •
Even though I don't have a large audience I should apologise for not updating this book for more than a month.
This is Kim Seoksim
signing out

"TEST" || Hwang Hyunjin || •short story•Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu