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The shrill sound of the school bell ringing brought Soomin back to reality.

The sound of the bell rang few seconds more than usual and Soomin knew this must be the dispersal bell

The history teacher was was announcing something but Soomin couldn't care less. She already knew that he was talking about the history test happening tomorrow.

She rushed out of the class and walked towards Hyunjin's locker. During the lunch break Soomin had a talk with her history teacher and it was certain that Mr. Lee expected more from Soomin than she thought he would.

As she walked near Hyunjin's lock she saw a large group of boys which was not usual considering the fact that it was dispersal and who would be that interested in school that they would stay this long after the dispersal bell

Hyunjin spotted her soon as she entered the hallway. "Hey Soomin, over here", Hyunjin's not so deep huskey voice echoed catching Soomin's attention almost instantly.

Soomin changed her pace and started walking towrds Hyunjin and his group faster.

Meanwhile Hyunjin was trying to clam down the boys surrounding him. "Guys Soomin is coming please behave yourself and don't make any weird remarks." Hyunjin spoke afraid that even after the warning the boys would most likely make a fool of him without fail. Hyunjin to a deep sigh and waited for Soomin to come near him.

As soon as she approached near Hyunjin, she recognised the boys surrounding him. They were Hyunjin's friends together they made a group of nine who liked to call themselves stray kids. She once saw this name of their group chat on Hyunjin's phone

Who likes to call themselves stray even if they have a family was the only thought that followed Soomin around whenever she encountered any of those boys.

"Come on Hyunjin lets go we are getting late"

"Soomin relax whats the rush? We are going home together anyways"

"Hyunjin weren't you the one who freaking called me four at the morning begging me to help you prepare for the test?" Soomin said in a disbelieving tone

She was astounded by how Hyunjin can be this carefree about the same test he was begging her to tutor hin for mere few hours ago

"Yeah so?" Hyunjin responded with a lazy tone.

"Wait Hyunjin you really asked Soomin tutor you for tomorrow's test?" one of the boys Chan asked interrupting the conversation between them

"Ok so you are really thinking of being serious about your grades" Changbin commented

All of the boys except Hyunjin broke into fits of laughter

"Why would you need to study when you have a convincingly cute face like me huh?" Jeongin said admist the laughing fits and the laughter intensified with some of the boys pinching Jeongin's cheeks.

Soomin could feel the blood in her veins boiling with sudden anger and her face turning red in pure rage.

"Oh my goodness Hyunjin you need to study stop fooling around and lets go" Soomin said with ovious anger in her voice.

As if sensing her anger Hyunjin tried to clam down the situation and said, "Thats what I was talking about don't worry i have my bag with me lets go."

Hyunjin carefully approached Soomin with a cautious laugh , took her by her hands and headed towards the exit gate.

"Aye mate it looks like you are going to study huh, the perks of have the most intelligent and beautiful girl in the school as your girlfriend" Felix screamed from behind as they were walking.

"I would like to have a girlfriend like her," Changbin whispered in the group, "Aye Soomin be my girlfriend too Hyunjin wouldn't mind sharing" he screamed as the couple neared the exit gate

Embarrassed by his friends Hyunjin was determined to save his remaining image in front of Soomin and almost immediately he screamed-
"You idiotic whacks shut your mouths now will you and Changbin please note I am not sharing Soomin with you"

Which was followed by loud fits of roaring laughter

Hyunjin decided to ignore the turn of events and decided to make a small talk Soomin when he realised that Soomin was still red

He wonderd weather Soomin red because of the anger she was showing or because of Felix and Changbins remakes

"So Soomin wus popin?" Hyunjin asked to ease the tension.

Soomin couldn't believe her eyes why was Hyunjin still being carefree he wasn't even bothered about the test

Every single cell of Soomin's body was filled with uncontrollable rage and as if the rage bust out she spoke
"Hwang Hyunjin I have had enough of the idiocy that you and your friends have shown me the past minute, i swear to god if you utter a single word now just forget that you have a girlfriend"

She spoke my full name she sure is angry with me. Hyunjin thought reassuring himself

Soomin never felt this much angry on Hyunjin before she was afraid she might say something that she would regret thats why she decided to be quiet.

The whole journey from school to Soomin's house was spent quietly.

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Dear Readers,
I am sorry I couldn't update this chapter. I was traveling I still am but i hope this chapter would be published irregardless of my crappy internet

This is Kim Seoksim
signing out

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