Junior high

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Today me and Mack are going into junior high. We have been friends two years now and I would trust my life with her.We are so happy because we have many friends and we have so much fun . But realize that some of those "friends" weren't who we thought. mack suspected it but we weren't to worried."Hey Mack" ."Hey sav what's up?" "just wondering if you wanted to come over today ?" "Yea that would be great we could..." we always would plan everything out before it was even official. "what are y'all talking about?" asked our friend chicken,his real name is Jacob garrison."Oh hey we were just planning what we were going to do if I went to her house." "why" "because...why do we do that savannah?" idk we just always have." This year I got my first boyfriend and I have no idea what I was doing. I would go to mack for advise. I have to say I could have done a lot better he was so awful. He ended up leaving me for some other chick. "You ok?" mack asked "Yea I'm great I mean he was bad news anyway right ." After that I had other boyfriends all better than him by far but none of them seemed to end very well.Over the summer me and Mack hung out a lot. "Hey wanna go to the YMCA with me?" "Do you even have to ask mack haha!" this was us all summer. then came eighth grade. we were so much wiser than we were in the seventh grade.We had our ups and downs But bits life without them. Eighth grade seemed a lot easier than seventh. but went by too fast. it was our last year of junior high before we had to go to high school. I admit I was scared but mack always brought we up. We had big test,big relationships,big heartbreaks, big drama. it was quite and interesting journey. But all to end..

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