Chapter 9

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Hey everyone, sorry I haven't been updating. I just went to Warped Tour yesterday and it was fucking amazing! I snuck into the bus area and talked to Aaron which was awesome. Also I have been doing sports clinics for the past three weeks which sucked... Whatever enjoy!

Alan's POV:

By Wednesday both Austin and I were extremely bored. We watched every movie we had and played every video game. We both decided we needed to get out of the house so we went to the park to have a picnic date. We walked over to the grassy area and laid down a blanket before sitting and turning on music. 

I had my head resting in Austin's lap for a while just relaxing until my stomach started growling and I needed to eat. We ate the small lunch we had prepared and cleaned up before laying back down and cuddling in silence. Even though all we were doing was laying there I was having a great time. After an hour or so we packed up our stuff and got in the car. "So what are we doing now" I asked Austin before grabbing his hand and kissing it. Austin chuckled and shrugged his shoulders. "I'm not sure wanna go to the arcade down town?" He asked with a smile. I just nodded and we were on our way.

After parking the car, Austin and I walked into the arcade and up to the counter. Before I even started to protest about paying for tokens Austin cut me off. "No need to worry princess I got this" He said smiling down at me. Damn I can never get used to how tall he is. I was still confused about what Austin was talking about until I heard someone scream his name from behind the counter and gave him a hug. "Austin my boy how is my favorite nephew!" Well that explains it... Austin hugged his... uncle?... and smiled. "Hey uncle Joey nice to see you! This is my boyfriend Alan." I felt my face heat up and I gave Austin's uncle a small smile. "Hi..." I muttered awkwardly. Austin's uncle came up to me and engulfed me in a big hug. "Welcome to the family" He said before patting me on the back. Austin came over to me and wrapped an arm around my waist and I relaxed instantly.

After a couple minutes of Austin and Joey talking, Joey handed Austin a huge cup of tokens before saying goodbye and walking into the back office. I smiled at Austin and he smiled back at me. "He owns the arcade" Austin said happily before walking over to a race car game and sitting on the seat. His long legs made it easy for him to reach the pedals. I stood behind him shouting directions to try and help him win. After at least ten tries Austin finally got first place. He hopped out of the chair and jumped up and down shouting about how skilled he was. I just watched him and laughed before dragging his arm to another game.

Later on Austin and I were playing some hunting game together. Considering I suck at video games, Austin was doing most of the work. I looked up at our score and realized we were already way past the last high score. "Alan, bear at 10:00!" Austin shouted while rapidly shooting the 'gun'. "I don't know where 10:00 is Austin what do you mean by 10:00 I don't under-" I was cut off by the game shutting off. "What the fuck we were crushing this game!" Austin shouted for the third time that day. "Oh well." I laughed and walked away, pulling Austin with me.

I saw a dance dance revolution game out of the corner of my eye and smirked. "Hey Austin if you win that game I'll give you a present later." I whispered, standing on my tip-toes to reach his ear. I kissed his neck quickly before pulling away and looking up at him. Austin looked back and forth between the game and me before sighing. "Fine I'll do it but only on one condition." Austin said with a smirk. "What?" I asked cautiously before handing a couple tokens to him. Austin chuckled and held my hands in his. "I get to return the favor." He said before kissing me and getting on the dance floor.

I laughed so hard for a full three minutes. Austin was dancing like a mad man, trying really hard to win the game. He was biting his lip in concentration, easily moving his feet on the correct tiles. Austin won the game and repeated his victory dance thing before hopping off the game and holding my hand. "I'm excited to go home later." Austin said with a chuckle, squeezing my hand. I smirked and pulled him down to me for a kiss. "Me too." I replied before kissing him again. I pointed to a photo booth and we ran to it and pulling the curtains closed. Austin put a couple tokens in the slot and we took a bunch of stupid pictures. For  one of the pictures I grabbed Austin's face and crashed my lips onto his. I thought we were going to stop kissing after that picture but I was wrong. Austin licked my bottom lip asking for entrance before sliding his tongue in my mouth. The entire time we were kissing the camera was flashing and taking pictures of us but we didn't care. 

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