The Party/Get Together? (Part 2)

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a lot of pov changes...


When I tell you everyone was shitfaced, you better believe its true.

Every single one of them was either passed out or nearing that point. Evan sat on the couch, watching each one of his friends drunkenly stumble for another cup or yell from anger at the game they were playing.

On one side of the room, John had Lukas against the wall, John kissing down Lukas' neck, grabbing his ass in the process. Lukas moaned quietly, feeling the other hand move to grab is dick. "John. Fuck, no more teasing we are a-at a party." "Like anyone fucking cares. Theyre too drunk to notice anyways." John mumbled, catching his lovers lips in his, pressing his hips into the others.


"Marcel what the fuck?" "S-scott please. Just one. We can forget it even happened I just, I need you." I looked at the caramel eyes in front of me. His eyes were tearing up, lip quivering, and I just couldnt say no. I mean, I could definately try it out. I nodded and Ive never seen him move so fast to sit on my lap, considering how drunk he was. "Thank you thank you so much."

Soon he leaned close to me, holding my face in his hands while he kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his waist, seeing as that felt needed. It soon started to increase, with him grinding down onto me, our tongues clashing together. I didnt think it wouldve been any possible that we got closer but we made it happen. Groans fell from both our mouths as pleasure wrapped around us. This was supposed to be a simple kiss, why was I falling hard?


Everyones going to want to die in the morning. I mean, I will too, but not as much as the others. As I sipped on the beer I had in my hands, Brian walks up to me, stumbling around with an empty cup in his hand. "Brian I think youve had enough." "What? Noooooo wha-at makes ya think that?" "I just do." "Are you god?" He gasped and leaned against me. I blushed, my heart starting to beat faster. "Well can I say a prayer?" Deciding to play along with his goofiness, I responded in a deeper voice. "Why yes, I am God, what is your prayer Brian?"

He giggled and whispered in my ear. "I pray that Brock will start to love me, just as much as I love himm." He drawed out. "Dont tell Brock m'kay?" I cleared my throat, my blush increasing. Well that saves my worry if he likes me back. "A-Alright." Soon enough, he left my side, probably going to get another cup. I sighed, willing my heart to slow and the blush on my face to die down. Now all i need to do is find out a way to ask him out, now that I have nothing to worry about right now.


"David stop winning!" "No! Fock you Lui!" I growled as I watched him down another cup of his drink. We started up another round when I got an idea. In a drunken haze, I got up from my spot on the couch and sat down on his lap.

"Lui I swear to god youre going to get it later if you dont move." He muttered out. I giggled, wiggling my butt on his lap. I kept my eyes focused on the screen. I saw Davids character fall behind, shouting at me to move. But it was already too late, I won and I heard him groan behind me.

"Suck it David. I win and you lose." "You cheated though, couldnt face defeat." "Nope." He turned me around and thrusted his hips into mine. I gasped at this, looking at the drunken face of my lover. "Look at how hard you made me, cheater." "Well, why dont you come teach me a lesson then? Ive been very bad, David." I whined, and he didnt hesitate to pick me up and into a random room. Thank god it was empty.


I sighed as I stood outside. It felt good to get a breather, away from the loud music and the smell of booze. Laying down on the grass, I look up. The stars are brighter than usual.

"Ryan? Whatcha doin out here?" Lukes voice cut the silence as he plopped down next to him. Ryan blushed, wanting to not be near him in case he did something he'd regret.

"No reason, just needed a breather." Luke took that response and laid his head on Ryans shoulder. "Okay look Im just gonna say it now while to booze is making me confident. You can hate me all you want but its beem killing me when I found out. I like you, like, lots. I dont love you yet, but I think I could if we dated, if you liked me back."

I froze, my breath catching in my throat. Oh shit, okay uh, wait why are you leaving?

"Sorry for that, uh, can we still be friends?" Luke stumbled as he got up, pain evident in his voice, but he was going to drink that away. "W-wait Luke I like you too. S-stay here."

Tears fell down Ryans face, yet he didnt know why. Maybe it was happiness, the thought of almost letting Luke get away. Luke looked down and nodded, sitting downnand wiping the tears from Ryans face. They sat there, hand in hand looking up at the stars. Ryan silently thanked to whoever was up there, finally.


I cried. Ive always been an ugly crier, but I didnt care. I couldnt have him. He was too good for me, I wasnt anything special. And considering that I was drunk didnt add any good to the mix. I was tired of feeling this way yet I couldnt do anything about it.

The music and the yelling surrounded me, the smell of booze filled my nose and I couldnt breath. Jeez was it always this hot in here? I rushed upstairs to my room and slammed the door, breathing deeply. I couldnt fucking escape this, this was to be in fact, my party.

God he looked so pretty dancing there, without a worry in the world. Ive never wanted to kiss someone so bad. I layed on my bed, resting a bit before i heard someone open my door.

"Occupied, go fuck in the next room over." "Evan? Are you okay?"

I shot up, looking at Jon. His face was flushed, most likely from the booze. He crept up to me, sitting down on the bed. He then started sobbing.

"J-Jon? Whats wrong?" I held him close as he cried. "S-some stranger that w-wasnt invited at all walked in. Of course me being drunk off my ass, he tried to take advantage of me. Luke was there to stop anything from happening though."

"Oh fuck. Oh god damnit Im so sorry Jon. Im sorry I wasnt there. Ill go shut down the party." I rambled until i felt a hand cover my face. He smiled at me. "As much as Id like you to be my knight in shining armour, I just want you to be Evan right now."

I nodded and cuddled him close. I felt his breathing slow down amd his arms go slack around me. I needed to shut this party down anyways, its gotten later than I originally wanted it to. "Ill be right back." I risked everything in that moment. "I love you Jon, and its not just the alcohol talking. I love you so much it hurts, but I keep it inside, because I know youre happy, and Id rather be your best friend and see you happy then ruin everything between us. So thats why Im telling you now when youre asleep, because I have the confidence of -" Jon groaned and kissed my lips.

"Youre rambling again, and I love you too. Now go shut the party down so I can go back to sleep with you." I nodded, quickly hurrying to shut the party down. Everyone left, except my friends, which i knew werent gonna leave anyways. I got back up the stairs, running my hands through my hair as I walked into my room.

"Fucking finally. It was cold when you left. Get in here and love me." I chuckled and climbed in bed, cuddling him. Finally, I have him in my arms.


yeaahhhh i got very very lazy if you can tell
craig and tyler arent in it cause they fuckin in another room i just didnt wanna write it down
sorry for takin so long ill try to get my next one out soon

stay happy, and stay true to yourselves, love you babes, see yah next time

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