12 | OGNT

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ChimChim added Swaeg, J-NoHoe, ImTaeTae, JustinSeagull to the chat


Swaeg: what the fuck is this?

J-NoHoe: whats "OGNT"?

JustinSeagull: i thought we agreed just to be in one group only?

ImTaeTae: jimin hyung!

ChimChim: yes tae?

ImTaeTae: why isnt jin hyung and namjoon hyung in this?

ChimChim: save your question for later

ChimChim: what do you think "OGNT" means?

Swaeg: orgasm gallon nothing tits

JustinSeagull: what the fuck?

Swaeg: what?

ChimChim: thats not what that means but alright then

ChimChim: you must be wondering "why isnt jin hyung and namjoon hyung in this?"

ChimChim: well i have the answer to that question

J-NoHoe: then what is it?

ChimChim: not yet child

Swaeg: what the fuck did you do to my jimin?!

ChimChim: what?

Swaeg: you know what im talking about

ImTaeTae: yeah! jimin would never just make a group without a reason

JustinSeagull: that actually make sense...

J-NoHoe: congrats for actually making sense tae

JustinSeagull: hey whats that supposed to mean?!

J-NoHoe: nothing...

ChimChim: guys its me jimin

ChimChim: i just made this group because i want you guys to help me with something

Swaeg: if its like "help me with the dishes" im out of here

ChimChim: no! Its much more than that!

JustinSeagull: then what is it?

ChimChim: yoongi hyung?

Swaeg: wat

ChimChim: what do you think "OGNT" means again?

Swaeg: orgasm gallon nothing tits?

J-NoHoe: somebody please write that on my tombstone

ImTaeTae: with pleasure

JustinSeagull: tae

ImTaeTae: sorry kookie...

ChimChim: well you guys know that namjoon hyung and jin hyung have been acting strange, right?

J-NoHoe: how?

JustinSeagull: maybe theyre already dating?

Swaeg: theyre not

J-NoHoe: how do you know?

Swaeg: trust me

Swaeg: namjoon is too much of a pussy to ask jin hyung to be his boyfriend

ImTaeTae: yup! and they have kissed once


ImTaeTae: when they went on a date together

Swaeg: wait how do you know?

ImTaeTae: when it was just me and jin hyung in the group, i asked him about it

ChimChim: why didnt you two tell me about this?

Swaeg: why should we?

ChimChim: because i am the captain of the namjin ship and ARMYs are the passengers

JustinSeagull: oh yeah ive heard about that

J-NoHoe: about what?

JustinSeagull: about namjin is the most accepted ship in the group

J-NoHoe: a ship?

JustinSeagull: you innocent little angel bean

J-NoHoe: Jimin!

ChimChim: yes?

J-NoHoe: you havent answered my question from the start

ChimChim: what is it?

J-NoHoe: whats "OGNT"?

ChimChim: wait...

JustinSeagull: oh come on!

ChimChim: we chatted so much that i forgot what it means

ImTaeTae: is it what yoongi hyung just said?

Swaeg: probably not

J-NoHoe: why not

Swaeg: i just made that up

ImTaeTae: oh

ChimChim: i remember!

ImTaeTae: what is it?!

J-NoHoe: tell us!

JustinSeagull: 🍵

Swaeg: 🍵

ChimChim: it means

JustinSeagull: WHAT IS IT



JustinSeagull: what?

J-NoHoe: you know batman?

JustinSeagull: nah im iron man trash

ImTaeTae: i personally like doctor strange the best

Swaeg: you guys are so extra i fucking swear to god

ChimChim: it means "Operation: Get Namjin Together"

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