"My parents' company are soon going to collaborate with her parents' company! She might meet them so I'm avoiding that!" Zane shouted.

"Aphmau is not a baby, she's a grown woman. She can take care of herself!" Katelyn yelled. "She doesn't need someone to look after her!"

"Katelyn! She just got out of a relationship! We need to be there to support her!" Zane shouted.

"What do you think I'm doing, you idiot!" Katelyn screamed.

"Enough! Aph will hear you." Lucinda said. "Let's just continue watching Minecraft Diaries and forget about this argument."

I heard the Minecraft Diaries theme song and they were quiet. They were arguing about me. I sighed and changed my clothes to my sleeping clothes. After I finished changing, I crashed into my bed. I looked at the window, the sun was going down, I slowly started to fall asleep.






My eyes started to open, but the sun didn't shine into my eyes but more like the moon shined. I quickly sat up and realized it was still night time. I looked at the clock on the wall. 8:40 PM? What? I stood out of my bed and my phone vibrated. I walked towards my phone and checked what was it, but I wasn't able to pick it up, my hand just went through the table. What the fuck? My phone suddenly turned on and I was able to see what made my phone vibrated. It was a message, from an unknown number.

Unknown number : hey aphmau!

Unknown number : you may remember me as the cutie with a witch hat from last night.

Unknown number : I just wanted to tell you that you're under a spell, my dear!

Unknown number : this spell consist of your soul leaving your body when the nighttime falls and you come back to your body once the sun is out! You can't grab anything and you can go through door and walls. Oh! And you better place your body somewhere safe, you don't want to feel uncomfortable once you wake up!

Unknown number : don't worry though! You are not alone! Remember that guy you were with that night, Garroth Ro'meave, he's under the same spell as you! You can only see each other. Tee~hee!

Unknown number : anyways you should go on and go to Garroth's building's rooftop to meet your soulmate!

Unknown number : ah! To break the curse... You'll have to figure it out yourselves! Or you can ask for help from my cousin Lucinda White!

Unknown number : xoxo -H and B

I looked at my phone until it closed. What the actual fuck is going? So right now I'm a soul. I looked at my bed to see me, I mean, my body, peaceful sleeping. That's my body. WHAT THE FUCK! "go to Garroth's building's rooftop to meet my soulmate" So, I should go to Garroth's and find out how's my soulmate... But wait, did it say that Garroth is under the same spell as me... I shall not believe this!

I walked towards the bedroom door and tried to grab the handle. I forgot I can't grab anything, but I can go through the door. I walked towards the door and I went through. Heh, it worked. Now I need to go to Garroth's place.


At Garroth's building's rooftop :

I reached the rooftop. Hopefully this is the right place. Garroth pointed at this building and said this is where he lived while we were going around the city. So many stairs that I had to go up to.

"Whoa." I thought out loud, looking at the view of the moon and the city.

"Whoa is right." I heard Garroth's voice echoed behind me.

I turned around to see Garroth in some light blue pajamas. Wait. I'm in my sleeping clothes.

"So you've received the messages too?" Garroth approached me.

"Yeah..." I said.

Garroth walked towards the edge of the building and sat down, then looked up to the moon. "It's weird, isn't it?"

I sat next to him. "What do you mean?" I questioned.

Garroth sighed. "Remember last night, we told each we'd be happy if we were each other's soulmates. Well..."

"You are not happy? Ah! It's totally fine! You don't have to be hap--" I got stopped by Garroth's hand on my mouth.

"I'm happy."

I looked at his dreamy blue eyes, I removed his hand from my mouth and smiled.

"I'm happy too."

Garroth smiled back but soon turned into a sad frown. "But I'd want to get to know you more first."

"For now, let's just be friends!" I exclaimed. "I'm not ready for a new relationship, plus I just met you yesterday."

"Same. I'm not ready." Garroth looked down.

I placed my hand on his shoulder and looked at the view. "We'll find a way to break this spell, don't worry, I'll ask Lucinda first thing in the morning. But first, let me just admire this fucking amazing view again."

He chuckled. "I always look at this view every night whenever I'm sad." Then, he placed his hand on my hand that was on my shoulder. "But right now, I'm not sad."

"I'm glad." I removed my hand off Garroth's shoulder and placed it on the floor. "So what do you want to talk about? We literally have 9 hours to kill."

"We can talk about each other's lives. Since we only talked about memories during the party, so why not talk about things about ourselves." Garroth suggested, placing his hand on top of my hand.

"Alright." I said, smiling at our hands.


Welcome back! Hi! How are you guys doing? I'm doing meh if you asked. Pfffffft there's no way you guys would even ask. Well here's chapter 3 of 'soulmates'!

Anyways, I hope y'all enjoyed today's chapter and will enjoy the rest who will come soon! Thank chu bery bery bery much. And you are all loved by me, myself and I! See yuh in the next chapter my lil babes! Baii~


word count: 1543

soulmates : a garmau fanfiction ✓Where stories live. Discover now