"Gran Mag..." Parts XII, XIII.

Start from the beginning


"Oh, Meemaw.  Don't let me fail her.  I love you, Amy Farrah Fowler!...Forgive me.!"

"Sheldon, if you keep this up, we will be caught.  Quiet down!..." Stuart, hissing.  Pulling me back into the car, reaching over to and slamming my door behind me. 

I sigh.  The truth out at last.  And the truth shall make you free, so Meemaw said when she knew I'd lied about stealing a cookie and I was sad about it. 

It did.  And does. 

"Sheldon.  It's only natural.” Stuart, shrugging.”And I gotta say an amazing proof that you're actually human, by the way.  That when a beautiful girl who's as pretty as Amy with a little extra packaging.  Equipped with a little 'French razzle-dazzle'.  Throws herself at you, you respond a little.”

"But I failed Amy Farrah Fowler, Stuart.  How can I face her knowing I've had.  Feelings.  For another woman.  Her mortal enemy, and even if she won't admit that, her sister.?"

"Amy might be hurt.  I can't deny that.” Stuart, eyeing me.”But you didn't wind up doing anything besides getting a little excited, right?..."

I nod.  Sighing. 

"So.  That's just normal.  And Charlotte counted on that to undermine you, I'm sure.  But it doesn't sound to me like you did anything wrong.  You haven't betrayed Amy, Sheldon.  God, she loves Johnny Depp, you know.  Gets off on him all the.”

Catching my furious stare. 

"Never mentioned that to you, did she?..." Ummn. 

"No.” I, tersely.   "And where does this 'Johnny Depp' reside, perchance?..."

"Sheldon, he's a film actor.  Jack Sparrow, 'Pirates of the Caribbean'.?"

"Oh, that.  I never watched those films.  Historically inaccurate to put it mildly.”

"You watch sci-fi and fantasy all the time.  Not to mention.” he gestured to indicate his shop of delightful wares. 

"But those either haven't had a chance to happen yet or could be happening in parts of the multiverse.  No confederacy of pirates ever battled the East India Company and an octopus-faced Captain Davy Jones.”

"But they could in some part of the multiverse.” Stuart, shrewdly. 

"And I could hunt down and flay this 'Depp' fellow alive in several.  Given that, I'll consider it, Stuart.”

The heck I will.  Merely a temporary concession to please my ally. 

Some historical standards must be maintained.  As for this 'Depp' character, let him be on his guard, he has made my enemies list. 

"And it's only human.  That's all I'm saying.” Stuart, shaking head.   "It's nothing to do with your feelings for Amy or your lives together unless you let Charlotte convince you that it is.  And to be honest, I believe you about Charlotte.  In fact I did a little checking while you were fussing over which hat and overcoat in my collection were closest to Mr. Welles' and least objectionable to you.  She really does have a past.”

"Of course.  Amy told me so.” Hmmn.  Hard evidence.   "Stuart, what do you have?.  And is it anything I could use?..."

"Nothing recent.  But there is a pattern, as you've said.” Stuart, shaking head.   "Here.” he offered me a printout. 

Hmmn.  .

"It says.”

"I read French, Stuart.  It's a headline and story about a principal of a girls' school.”

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