"Gran Mag..." Part II...

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"Gran Mag…"

Summary: Utterly for fun…Sheldon is in deep, deep trouble…From certain povs…When Amy's older sister blows…Into town…For Halloween and their engagement party…

Helps if you look up the wondrous Charlotte Gainsbourg…And one of the better pics of the equally wondrous Maggie Hamilton…

Disclaimer: The characters of "The Big Band Theory" series are not owned by me.  Strictly for entertainment.

Part II…

Trapped and facing imminent doom at the hands of Charlotte Magdalena Fowler, doctor, author, future sis-in-law…Lust-crazed minion of Hell…I search the recesses of my magnificent brain for any avenue of…

Of course…Escape!  How could I overlook that naturally I have amply provided for such matters, living as I do in the urban jungle.  Merely a matter of adapting previously laid plans and applying them to this situation. Substituting mortal emotional danger for mortal physical…

Though should my intended Amy Farrah Fowler receive the poisoned venom drippings of her sublimely evil sibling…Physical danger joins the kitty as a distinct possibility…

Fortunately, once again, my genius and foresight has come to the rescue…Bravo, Dr. Sheldon Cooper…Pat, pat…

One more…


Modesty forbids..And yet I know you urge me to it…And being, as I've said, a man exquisitely attuned to the society around me…


But the risk is great.  The scheme in mind, employing the emergency of emergencies contingency…Could easily result in the most severe of bodily injury.

Yet the risk of being examined…In private…By my wicked, wicked would-be sister and, more to the point, would-be partner in foul sin.  And the blow the inevitable outcome would deal to my beloved.  Particularly when I refuse, as I will…You may be certain…Charlotte's fiendish advances.  And thus arouse her wrath, leading through her evil promise to claim my acquiescence to the foul sin mentioned to the same painful conclusion…And without benefit to me…Far outweighs any other consideration…

Though…There is always the slight danger hormonal urges might take control.  Charlotte is after all, undoubtedly appealing in her combination of the false façade of a gentle and unassumingly elegant manner and somewhat waifish beauty, merged to her admittedly keen intellect, the ever-desirable basic Fowler chassis design, and that ragingly hot though skillfully repressed sexual drive, like the intellect a Fowler family trait, I've surmised, though twisted to evil purpose in Charlotte.  So much so that even man of steel that I am, I must confess a certain...Interest.  And that must never happen, even if only the most remote and miniscule of possibilities…

Yes, there is only one solution.  Which must be employed before the "good"…I type with sarcastic quote here for a reason…Doctor Fowler, MD., arrives in our apartment and escape becomes impossible…

Damn the risk, full speed ahead, Mr. Cooper.  Engage "Building Escape Plan Omega…"

The plan never to be employed but in time of direct attack on the building by foreign brigands or a direct nuclear threat…

Though of course only with sufficient warning in the case of nuclear attack, as it obviously would be impossible to flee to safety on California roads without at least a day's advance notice…

And I suppose there is some applicability here for the given situation, Charlotte being a French citizen and therefore technically capable of falling under the title "foreign brigand"…

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