Part XL Conclusion...

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"Gran Mag…"

Summary: Utterly for fun…Sheldon is in deep, deep trouble…From certain povs…When Amy's older sister blows…Into town…For Halloween and their engagement party…

Helps if you look up the wondrous Charlotte Gainsbourg…And one of the better pics of the equally wondrous Maggie Hamilton…

Disclaimer: BBT is all Chuck's…

Part XL Conclusion…

I like to feel Meemaw played a role here…Urging Gran Mag Fowler to hang on in this world a bit longer to protect us…One grandmotherly spirit uniting with another to bring peace and light to a suffering Humanity…

"Girls…" Gran Mag frowned on screen, pushing spectacles back … "This isn't fooling me…Charlotte, I don't need a picture painted for me to know you're in trouble again…And with your own sister…Oh, child…I have tried and tried to decide what to do about you…"

"Gran?...No…I'm fine…Amy just said…"

"Charlotte Magdalena Fowler…Do we lie in the Fowler family?..." stern look…

Charlotte blinking… "No, Gran Mag…I've had a few little problems again, recently…But…"


"She'll do better, Gran…" Amy cut in…

"Amy…It's good hearted of you to cover for your sister…But…Enough…Charlotte…I'm well aware…" pause…Cough…

"Gran!..." both girls…Frightened…

"I'm fine…Just needed to clear my throat…Keep getting this sinus infection…Now, Charlotte…Lord knows I know it's my fault you've had troubles…" sigh…

"Oh, no, Gran…"

"Let me finish, girl…I should never have let that worthless father of yours send you off like that…But your Great Aunt Maggie and I were both ill that year…We didn't see how we could care for you girls properly or handle a fight with your parents…And in any case I felt it wrong to interfere between parents and their children…That was wrong, Charlotte…And as a psychologist on my part…" cough…


"Fine, I tole you…For a 98 year old woman, anyway…As a psychologist I should have known better… And kept you both with us…But I lost dear Leonard that year and I just wasn't up for a fight, you know…Afraid I failed you both that time…"

Dear Leonard, eh?...Leonard, rather pleased…

"Amy got to stay…" Charlotte, bitterness breaking through… "Just as she wanted…You all to herself…"

"Only in summers….Lord, the rest of the year she was trapped with that daughter of mine…"

"Mother?..." Mrs. Fowler's faint protest on suddenly divided screen…

"Be quiet, Hannah…I'll get to you later…" frown…Mrs. Fowler's stricken face disappearing…

"She always makes me impatient, that's a fault…Don't be impatient with your mother, girls…She can't help what God and my poor efforts made of her…Charlotte…Amy tried to help you, girl…Let me see…" Gran Mag's face disappeared from screen…

"I never wanted you to go, Charlotte…I've told you that countless times…" Amy sighs… "You said you believed me…And Gran had you as often as she could afford to fly you in…"

"Two weeks in three years…" glare… "Then nothing…Till I graduated from college…Then a week every other summer…"

"Charlotte, you were recovering from your worst surgeries…And Gran wasn't able to care for you in your condition….And they wouldn't let me, I was too young…"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2015 ⏰

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