Takagi then pushes on the door. Nishikata then felt the force Takagi was applying on the door and then an idea struck him. 'Wait, this is my opportunity to get her back!' he thought as a smug grin developed on his face. He then turned around and pushed back. He then hears her struggling to open the door. He laughs in his head and pushed even harder. "A-Ano... Nishikata-kun! Is that you?" Takagi asked as she pulled back from the door. Nishikata remained quiet trying not to spoil his opportunity. He then hears a burst of footsteps from inside the dorm. In a split second, the door bursted wide open. Takagi had karate kicked the door clean open and Nishikata went soaring across the hallway slamming into a wall. "Ow..." he said as he rubbed his butt. "Don't play with me like that" Takagi said looking away from Nishikata. "Gomen Takagi-chan" he said as he got up and picked up his fallen satchel. Takagi and Nishikata then walk to first hour together.

When they had arrived at first hour which was Komoe-Sensei's class, everyone was staring at them. "You're both late" Komoe-Sensei said as her facial expression changed from humble one to a scolding one. "N-Nani!?" Nishikata said. He then looked at the clock and was stunned to see he was 10 minutes late. Takagi then chuckled quietly. "I'll let you two off the hook this time but next time, you won't be so lucky" she says sternly. "Arigato gozaimasu Komoe-Sensei!" both said bowing and walking to their seats. "OK class, today you will have a beginning of the school year project! For the project, you and your partner both must write a story about a girl and a boy that hate each other at first but slowly falls in love over time! The top 3 stories in the class will be awarded a pizza party!" says Komoe-sensei. "*gasps* Sugoii! Hai!" the class says in unison. The students then start to choose partners. Nearly every girl in the class went straight for Nishikata. Takagi and a blonde haired girl were the only exceptions. "Jōzu-kun! Be my partner" says a girl with hearts in her eyes. "Eh... nande (why)" he says with a flattered expression. Other girls immediately pitch in their partner requests. Nishikata then gets up and walks near Takagi. The fan girls then grab Nishikata's arms and neck. "Hey! Stop that!" Nishikata said trying to separate the crowd off of him. "Ladies please allow Nishikata-kun to choose his partner" says Komoe-sensei. "Hai" they say as they let him go one by one. "Arigato" he says. He then walks over to Takagi. "Takagi-chan" says Nishikata. "Hmm?" she replied as she looked him in the eyes. "A-Ano... Ore wa...would like you to work with me for the project. Do you mind?" he says avoiding eye contact. "Hai" she says with a closed eyed smile. "Yatta yo (I did it)!" he says smiling. The other girls felt despair and anger and glared at Takagi. Takagi ignored them and reverted her gaze back to Nishikata. The bell rung and now it was time for their second hour class. Nishikata and Takagi had all the same classes except for fifth hour. Their next hour was science. Their teacher was a middle aged man named Tsutsui Yamamoto. He had white wild and messy hair and red eyes. He had a laid back nature and personality but normally he sits behind his desk and eats sweets. Takagi and Nishikata barely make it to class on time. "Ohayo gozaimasu class" he says as he gets up with a cream cheese danish in his left hand. "Ohayo" the class greets back. This was generally the schools favorite teacher. Everyone for some reason liked him.

"Today class, we'll be reviewing things that you learned in grade school about the cell" he stated with a smile. The class smiled back. "What is the basic unit of life?" he stated. Nishikata then raises his hand to answer the question. "Hai Nishikata?" Yamamoto-sensei says. "The basic unit of life is the cell!" Nishikata states. "Tadashī (correct)!" he replied. He then pulls out a jar of candy and tosses a piece of chocolate at Nishikata. Nishikata then captures it. "Next question class!" he says with a closed eyed smile. "What in a plant gives it it's green colour?" he says. Takagi then raises her hand. "Hai Karakai?" Yamamoto-sensei says. "What gives a plant it's green colour is a cell called chloroplast" says Takagi. "Tadashī!" he yelled as he tosses her a lollipop. "Next question!" he states. "What in a cell allows things to enter and leave the cell" he stated. A blonde girl then raised her hand. "Hai Yakari" Yamamoto-sensei says. "A cell membrane" she says. "Tadashī!" He shouts as he throws her a piece of chocolate.

As Nishikata was paying attention to Yamamoto-sensei, he didn't realize Takagi was staring at him. Nishikata then felt a pair of eyes on him and shifted his gaze to the right. His eyes then met a pair of brown ones. "T-T-Takagi-chan?" he stuttered quietly as a blush quickly started to develop on his face. She then shushes Nishikata. "Nishikata, let's have a staring contest" she says. "Ehh nani?" he said with his cheeks still red. "If you win, you can have my first kiss! If you lose you'll be my slave for one day" she said smiling. "N-N-N-Nani?" he stammered as his face turned a brilliant red. "Starting now!" she said as she opened her eyes. Nishikata then kept quiet and tried to keep his composure. Takagi then blew a kiss at him causing him to blush even further. He then saw the world go black and before you knew it, he had fainted!

A/N: Gomenasai for the delayed update, I've had a busy week lol! See you guys in the next chapter!

The Skilled Lover Takagi-chan!Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu