Injustice 2!Damian Wayne/Robin X Reader- Darkness

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Throughout your life, you were told you were nothing but a villain, doomed the second you were born to succumb to darkness. You were raised on that belief, and now it was instilled in your soul that there was nothing else you could be. At first, crime was a necessity, the only way for you to survive after leaving your life behind. Then it evolved into seeking thrill, and you sometimes yearn to have that again. Those were the good old days, heroes were heroes and villains were villains. Heroes were still beacons of hope and peace, not dictators and ruthless killers. Villains weren't killed because they existed, they didn't have to give up their free will to stay alive. You thought you were lucky that you quit the villain life, that you were safe from the new villains of Earth. The heroes' hope must have rubbed off on you if you thought you could stay out of the Regime's sights because a damaged person like you could never outrun supers like Wonder Woman and Superman.

Sighing, you ran your fingers across the black spot on the side of your face, wondering if you were ever going to meet your soulmate. It was funny to think that there were still soulmates in a world like this, and you wondered how many were born without a spot, doomed to die alone. You met many villains who had no spot, which made sense when the Regime killed them all. Maybe they were lucky, they didn't have to see the world slowly fall apart.

Standing up, you walked towards your window and closed the curtains, forcing your tears down. So many of your friends, so many good people were gone now. Yes, they were villains, but they did not deserve to be massacred. Letting out a shaky breath, you shoved those thoughts out of your mind and walked into your bedroom. Sitting down on your bed, you placed your hands on your left leg and detached it. Scooting to your left, you placed the bionic leg on its charging stand. You glanced down at your leg, tracing a finger over the scarred flesh. It had been years since you did anything crime related, not since you lost your leg. You'd have to thank Deadshot for that. Pulling your drawer open, you pulled out a book and opened it, shocked to see your gun missing.

"Looking for this?"

You heard multiple thuds behind you, which meant your gun was on the floor... in pieces. Raising your hands, you quickly grabbed your leg and fell to the ground, attaching it before making a run for it. He was expecting that. You didn't even make it out of the door, he threw a mini EMP onto your leg, which made you land face first onto the ground. Pushing yourself up, you flipped yourself over to face him.

"If you're going to kill me, do it," you spat, leaning up against the wall behind you.

He walked out of the shadows, "I'm not here to kill you."

You laughed, "Tell that to all of the others you and your heroes killed."

He scowled, stomping over to you before crouching down, "I don't like this any more than you do, but you are wanted alive, preferably unharmed."

"Go to Hell," you growled, glaring at him.

His scowl turned into a smile, but not the friendly kind, "Believe me, I've been there."

He patted the side of your face multiple times before slamming a syringe into the side of your arm with his other hand. You gripped his wrist, hissing when he removed the needle.

"Have a nice nap, (Y/V/N)."


Groaning, you struggled to open your eyes as you woke up. Lazily pushing your blanket off of you, you sat up and rubbed your eyes. When you opened your eyes, you were shocked to see a new prosthetic leg attached to you. Looking around the room, you suddenly remembered what happened. Pushing yourself out of your bed, you frantically looked around the room, looking for some way to escape. Breathing wildly as you searched for anything you could use to escape or at least defend yourself with. There were no windows, but there was one metal door on the wall opposite of the bed. Before you could find something, the door opened, revealing the man who kidnapped you. You still couldn't believe this asshole was Batman's son.

"I see you're awake," Damian said, walking in.

The door shut behind him, you could hear the multiple locks activating. They really took a lot of precautions to keep you here.

"You can't keep me here," you stated, backing away from him.

"Before you try to fight me, just listen," he said, placing a small compact mirror on the table in front of him. "Look at your mark."

Your blood ran cold when you said that. Slowly walking towards the table, you snatched the compact mirror off of the table before backing away again. Opening it, you shakily lifted up the mirror and examined your face. You nearly screamed when you saw that the mark was gone, and you knew that the man in front of you was the one who caused it to disappear. Glancing over at him, you looked at the wrist you grabbed when you were being drugged. Dropping the mirror, you sat back down on the bed and shoved your face into your hands. Your soulmate was a murderer who follows a psychotic dictator, he agreed that the people who were your closest family did not deserve to live.

"I'm guessing this doesn't change your orders at all," you said, wiping your tears away as you looked at him. "I'm going to stay locked up for who knows how long for crimes I've already paid for, but my soulmate, who has killed more than I have, is above the law. He gets to roam around free without consequence."

"You were not brought here to be a prisoner," he started, hesitating for a moment. "I can't tell you why you're here, but I can say that you are safe."

He backs away a few steps before turning around and walking towards the door, waiting a few moments before it opened. Damian glanced at you one last time before exiting the room, leaving you alone with your thoughts. 

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