"Hey guys," you greeted once you approached them. "Can you say hi to Uncle Geoff?" you asked Victoria who was hiding behind your legs even though Geoff was basically her family. He leaned down to her level before swiftly picking her up off the floor, earning a small giggle from the girl.

Once you had your bags the five of you made your way to a deserted exit where a car was waiting to take you to the airport.

"Are you excited to see daddy?" Geoff asked the girls from the driver's seat, earning excited nods from the both of them even though he couldn't see it.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Ava happily exclaimed, "I miss him."

The rest of the car ride was spent in a comfortable silence and when you finally arrived it hit you that you were finally seeing your husband in person, no more texts, phone calls, or facetimes, just him. When your phone finally connected to service again, it was blown up with texts from a very worried Shawn since you hadn't answered since early this morning. You replied with a quick, 'Sorry we had a busy day. Call me once the show is over'

He might suspect something's up since you always make time to respond to him, but you doubt he would think you were here since you told him you had a busy week coming up.

"Okay so he's on stage right now but he should be finished soon, do you want to go backstage or wait in the dressing room?" Geoff asked as you walked into the arena. You could hear the music coming from the stage along with the screaming fans that were singing along.

"Backstage is good."

You were escorted backstage while Karen went into the arena to her actual seats, you were carrying Victoria in your arms and holding Ava's hand just incase they got restless once Shawn came in sight. You knew Victoria probably wouldn't do anything but Ava on the other hand, you don't know what that little girl could do. You eventually set Victoria down so she could walk with her sister.

"He's going to be so happy when he sees you." Geoff said, "He's been missing you guys a lot lately, you can tell he needs a break."

"Yeah," you nodded. "We've been missing him at home too. He needs this month off before the next leg of the tour, even over the phone I can tell he's exhausted."

Geoff sighed, the both of you know Shawn tends to over work himself even though he insists he doesn't. You can tell by his voice when he calls you after his shows that he needs rest.

Finally you arrived to a spot where you could see Shawn performing, you knelt down to the girl's level and pointed to Shawn so they knew where to look. You grabbed a hold of both their hands so they don't move, knowing they would start squirming to get closer soon.

"Y/n, hey." Andrew greeted once he noticed you were here. "I didn't know you were coming. Do the girls need headphones?"

You shook your head, "They don't want them and this was sort of a last minute thing, it's nice to see you."

"You too."

Your eyes were fixed on Shawn as he sang one of his oldest songs while Andrew was talking to the girls and pointing to Shawn.

"So I'm going to slow the next song down a bit." Shawn announced. "This song is really special to me, it's about two special little ladies in my life. I really miss them, and my wife of course." he chuckled, "But this is for them so please sing along if you know the words!"

With that, the girls broke free from your grasp and ran onto the stage before you could catch them. Andrew followed close behind them, making sure they got on their safely and judging by the smile on his face you knew he told them to do that. They were still too far away to be noticed by Shawn but the crowd definitely noticed them and started going wild. Shawn looked into the crowd, confused as to why they're screaming so loud but turned around as soon as the band stopped playing.

His eyes widened when he saw what everyone was looking at and words couldn't describe the look on his face. You stood to the side of the stage with Geoff and Andrew who had his phone out recording the whole thing.

"Daddy!" Ava screamed, running into his open arms. He pulled her into an almost bone crushing hug, kissing the top of her head multiple times. You noticed Victoria was still standing in the same spot, she wasn't exactly on the stage but she could see the massive crowd.

"Vic, look don't you want to see daddy?" you asked, kneeling down to her level at the side of the stage. You pointed to Shawn who was kneeling with Ava, he noticed the both of you standing at the side of the stage and waved at his little girl for her to come out too.

"I'm scared," she whispered, "I don't wanna go." she hid her face in the crook of your neck as you picked her up off the ground again. You pointed to Shawn once again, "look, daddy wants to see you baby."

She shook her head, "It's scary."

You looked at Andrew who was already looking at you, confused as to why she wasn't there with her sister.

"I think it's too noisy," you told him. "She's scared."

He nodded before saying something into a walkie talkie that you knew went straight to Shawn's in-ears. He nodded before grabbing the mic again.

"Hey guys, I know you all want to scream right now but can you please just stay quiet for like 5 minutes? My daughter is scared from all the noise." He silenced the crowd before motioning for her to come over, you shook your head before walking out on stage yourself, knowing that there was no way she would go by herself.

The crowd went crazy again as soon as you stepped onto the stage which only caused Victoria to hide further into your neck. Shawn took her into his arms before pulling you into a hug too.

"I missed you guys so much," he whispered. "Thank you for coming." he quickly kissed the top of your head before speaking into the microphone again.

"She's my shy little girl." he chuckled, referring to Victoria who was hiding her face from the crowd. "And this one," he picked Ava up with his other arm, "loves the crowd." Ava waved to the crowd and they yelled louder than before.

"Right Vic?" he asked Ava thinking she was her sister.

"I'm Ava!"

You shook your head, stepping to the side to let Shawn interact with his daughters.

"Are you sure?" he asked, playing around with her.

"Yes!" she huffed. "I have green eyes and Vicky has brown ones." Shawn shook his head at her earning a loud laugh from the green eyed girl.

"Okay do you guys want to go back to mummy?" He asked, "I have to sing for everyone."

They both shook their heads, and you stepped off the stage knowing Shawn would allow them to stay up there with him since (let's face it) he can't say no to his little girls.

"No?" he chuckled, "Okay then. Ava do you have anything to say before I sing?" he asked. He couldn't exactly speak into the mic properly since both hands were currently occupied, so he had to move over for Ava to speak into it.

"Did you like your surprise?" she asked, earning a chorus of "awws" from the crowd.

"Yes baby, it was the best surprise ever."

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