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"Mummy look at the clouds!" your 4 year old daughter Ava yelled, earning a quiet shush from you as she continued to stare out the small window of the plane. "But mum I wanna show Vicky!" she whined, attempting to reach over you to gain the attention of her twin sister who was happily watching a movie with her headphones on. You watched as Ava tried to get her sister's attention multiple times but each time she called her name, she was ignored.

"She's trying to watch a show baby," you said "Why don't you watch a movie on my iPad?" you handed her your iPad along with some headphones but she refused. "What about getting some sleep?" you suggested, earning another head shake from the little girl. Ava was a stubborn girl like you and when she wanted something she won't give up until she gets it and right now, she wants to talk to her sister who was in the seat next to you, trying to watch a movie.

"How much longer until we see daddy?" she asked as her green eyes peered out the window again in attempt to see the ground below you.

"A few more hours, Ave."

You decided you and the girls were going to surprise their dad while he was on tour in Europe, you haven't seen him in a little over 2 months and you know Shawn misses his girls so last minute you packed everyone up and booked a trip to London for his last two European shows. The girls have only been on a plane a few times in their life but never have they travelled to Europe so this is the longest plane ride they've ever been on, you've only been in the air for about 5 hours but Ava was beginning to get restless. She hated being on planes, even for a short amount of time, so you weren't surprised that she wanted to get off already. She didn't really understand how planes worked so she was always scared that the plane would suddenly fall out of the sky no matter how many times you explained that the plane was not going to fall. Her sister Victoria, on the other hand, didn't mind planes at all and she usually slept or watched movies throughout the entire ride. Even though they were identical twins, the girls were definitely opposites. Ava was loud and feisty like you while Victoria was shy and calm and took after Shawn more than she did you.

"Ava try and sleep." you suggested again, this time handing her a small stuffed animal that she couldn't sleep without. Thankfully she took it without complaining this time and leaned her head against your arm and tried to fall asleep.

"Mummy," Victoria spoke up, her voice was soft as her sister's was loud since she always wanted to be heard. She handed you her iPad which was playing the closing credits to the second movie she was watching. "Can you put on another one please?"

You scrolled through all your downloaded movies and picked her favourite one before handing it back to the brown eyed little girl.

"Which one did you pick?" she whisper-giggled, noticing that you didn't ask her which one she wanted this time. Her eyes widened once she must have heard the opening song or something, because she quickly realized that you put on Moana for her.

"Why are you whispering?" you whispered, she looked at you before shrugging and turning back to her movie.

Once you were finally landed safely in Europe, you texted Geoff who was going to come and pick you up and bring you to the venue and let him know where you were waiting. Luckily nobody knew you were coming so you didn't have to deal with any girls crowding you as soon as you got off the plane but you had to be careful that nobody saw you and took a picture because then the surprise would be ruined. You held both girl's hands as you walked through the airport to baggage claim, praying that you wouldn't get stopped by any fans. The three of you were wearing hats and you were wearing sunglasses, not much, but hopefully it was enough.

"Grandma!" Ava screamed, pulling away from you and running toward Geoff and Karen who you didn't even know was here. Victoria stayed by your side as you walked towards them while Ava ran into her grandmother's arms even though she saw her only two nights ago when you went over for dinner.

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