I walked down the street from her house and pulled my phone out and onto my map to formulate a plan for tonight out. It wasn't entirely dark out yet but it was still better than wasting the night studying.  Nearby there was a McDonald's and a mall and the square. (Which was pretty much downtown where all the stores where and hipsters went to and was usually busy and full of people but had decent shops.) which a majority of the places were closed considering it was 9:47.
    I let out a frustrated sign and I tried to think. Bored and uninspired I decided to go on Instagram and see what was going on. I never posted on it and just stalked a lot of people from my school.  I scrolled down when I landed on a post from this really popular jock I follow. It read "Party at Jason's house tonight." And has the time and location on it. It had a lot of likes and had so many comments so I thought 'hey why not try and make some friends you FUCKIGN loser.'
    So I plugged in the location into my gps and  my started listening to music. I passed by trees and multiple houses and made some turns when I finally got there. The music was blaring from the house and I could see a lot of lights flashing on in the house. People were walking in and others where just dancing. It was a hell hole and began having second thoughts. 'Maybe I don't need friends..' I took a step back when I bumped into somebody. I turned around quickly to apologize.
We both said at the same time. He wore his hair up in a bun, and a red t shirt and some dark jeans with boots. "I kinda just got overwhelmed with the music." I mumbled out. He smiled and nervously scratched his neck and said "Same, It looks bit wild. I'm a bit nervous cause my friends rarely come to parties like these." "This is like the first party I'm going to this Senior year.." That was a lie. You never went to a party because you were never really invited. His brown eyes widened in surprise "Dude this is like my first time going to a party since middle school...." 'holy shit bitch me too!' I thought smirking a bit. "M-my names Jeff."
    He said reaching his hand out for a hand shake. "I'm (Y/n), I don't really socialize often.." I shook his hand.He let out a deep chuckle before he continued "I wanna socialize more but I have really bad social anxiety so friends are hard to come by." I looked back at the party. 'Maaaybee I do wanna go to the par-?" My thoughts were interrupted "Are you coming or not?" Jeff said looking back at me. I blushed, slightly embarrassed that I was caught looking like an idiot. "Y-yeah."
    I replied following him in. The party was more wild that it seemed on the outside. People were dancing on tables and the music was almost deafening as people were crowded and dancing. On the other side of the room people were taking shots. "Oh my god.." Jeff gasped "they have a fucking puppy!" He practically squealed out. 'What a dork' I thought giggling as I watched him dash toward the fluffy Pomeranian to kneel down and pet it. I quickly followed behind him also wanting to touch it. I saw a Jeff's brown eyes light right before he reached down to touch it the tiny dog bit him. He didn't gasp in pain or anything but let out a monotone "fuck."
    I caught up to him "I guess not all dogs go to heaven..." I said out loud. Jeff chuckled at the remark before reaching down trying to pet it again . "Jeff! Don't do it!" I shouted making Jeff jump up a bit. He turned around a bit flustered "it probably just bit me because I scared him." Jeff mumbled out checking his hand to make sure there wasn't any damage. His hand was fucking dripping with blood. "Holy shit, man. Do you wanna go to the bathroom or something." I asked as the biggest drop of blood hit the floor. The image of a Maddie popped up in my head and I couldn't stop staring at the blood until Jeff spoke up. "You alright, (Y/n)?"
    I looked up to make eye contact with him and whispered "yeah- I just got distracted for a moment." Jeff held his bleed hand before saying "I'm gonna go to the bathroom, I'll be right back." I heard him say. I watched him leave before left the room. 'I'm kind of thirsty' I thought as I saw the little table of snack and soda across the room. I quickly and awkwardly walked past a bunch of people trying to not touch any of them or bump into their sweaty bodies before I made it to table. I grabbed a cup and poured myself some coke a cola.
    I sipped on sos, before realizing it was flat. Not the best taste when it's flat. Just them I felt someone grope my ass. I turned my head around to see whom the fuck decided to be a creep. It was Sid. He was smirking at me with his cheeks slightly tinted red. Dear god a drunken asshole. I gave him the dirtiest look I could contort before I spoke up. "Don't touch me or I'll-" I was interrupted as spoke slowly and deeply. "Your so fucking sexy when you pissed off (L\N)"
   I felt a chill run up my spine in disgust as he said that comment. I turned around and was just as I was about to walk away, he grabbed my waist and pulled me into him. "GET OFF OF ME!" I yelled pissed off, catching the attention of some people close by. I grabbed his hand and tried tugging it off me to little avail. He then started trying to kiss me. Gross. His blubber boy lips almost kissed me before I was fed up with his behavior and scratched him across the face. I let go of me, grabbing his face in pain before he looked back at me with his eyes filled with pure anger. People from around the room were watching with anticipation. "I'll beat your ass and show you who the hell your fucking with, you little slut."
    He growled out. He lifted his arm up to try and hit me, but right before he could someone spoke up. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" I turned around and met
eyes with Jeff, before quickly Hiding behind him. "You're being a fucking rapist, trying to force girls to kiss you." I heard Jeff spoke up. "Yeah well who the fuck said I can't kiss my girl friend?" My eyes widened in disbelief. This fuckboy.  "I'm not your fucking girlfriend at all, you creep." I said pissed off and in disbelief. "Yeah, but you were into it." Oh he's really crossed the line.
    Just as I was about to try hitting him like the little bitch he is when Jeff spoke up. "No she wasn't. She was screaming earlier for you to get off of her!" I saw Jeff's eyes glare around the room of people holding out their smartphones recording the scene. "She was obviously not giving you consent and you were still trying to, like a rapist would!" Sid was about to full on attack Jeff before the music stopped and the host of the party came into light. "Oi, I've bee,keeping my eyes on ye Sid and I've noticed ye groping people and kissen em all night. So don't ye dar fucking say she war into it." I forgot to mention earlier that Jason was extremely popular not only because he was attractive but he a the lead boxer in our school and was foreign and had come from Scotland. "Leave my party or else I'll make sure ya regret it." Holy shit. "Fucking try me you leprechaun!"
    Sid yelled. He's gonna get his ass whooped by a fucking leprechaun. My eyes lit up in pure joy. Everyone began chanting "FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!" And I watched as this handsome big tall 6'8 muscular guy sucker punched this short rapist 5'5 guy with ease. His body hit the floor with ease and he was out cold. (nothing wrong with being short) But just then loud police sirens drowned out the chanting. Everyone started scattering away. I started running to back door like everyone else was but the line was crowded and stuffed.
    Jeff pulled my arm away and opened a window and jumped out "Come on, (Y/n)!" Jeff yelled I followed him out and we ran out into the alleyway for a few minute until we were far enough from the house. I laughed manically remembering Sid got his ass kicked and Jeff also laughed. We soon made our separate ways "thanks for tonight. It was pretty fun despite getting bitten by a dog." Jeff said heading the other direction "I hope I get to see you around again!"I shouted to him.  Now the walk home was quiet and a bit colder than it was earlier. But I didn't care. I walked passed houses and trees til I got home. I balance myself on the chair and grabbed the rope and began climbing up to my balcony. Quickly and quietly making sure I didn't scrape the chair against the brick wall of the house I pulled it up and settled back in my room. And laid in bed. I lived tonight and nobody could tell me otherwise. I fell asleep in my get up before I was able to change.

DON'T CRY OVER SPILLED BLOOD (Reader x Jeff the Killer 18+)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum