I bit my lip and looked at Artemis. She was talking to her brother and I whispered "Who is this?"

"Someone who can teach you how to control your powers" I bit my lip and whispered "Alright"

Artemis's eyes shot towards me "What did you say?"

"Huh?" I asked

She gave me an odd look and I said "I didn't say anything?" I suddenly stopped "You hear that?"

She paused and said "Is it?"

"Everyone quiet down!" She shouted, and most of them did. It got louder and we realized that it was someone shouting. Suddenly the door busted open and Hermes fell onto the floor, quickly standing back up and flying towards Zeus "Zeus! Aphrodite and Ares were just attacked!"

"WHAT?!" He boomed "WHEN!?

"Last night sir" He said out of breath "Obviously their still alive, but their badly wounded. they have to come back to be healed" I watched in worry, and thought I heard a low chuckle, but had shaken it from my mind and walked up to them "Do you know who attacked them?"

Hermes turned to me and shook his head "Sorry Sapphire" I nodded my head and then he turned back to Zeus, who had ordered "Are they still on Earth?"

"No, I brought them here. Their outside waiting on a cloud"

"Well take them to the Infirmary!" He shouted and Hermes jumped back "Yes sir" He then flew out and Zeus sighed rubbing the bridge of his nose and then said "Artemis!" She turned and he snapped "You'll be teaching Sapphire how to control her powers" She nodded her head and quickly led me away and I had to run to keep up with her

"Slow down!" I cried and she turned towards me and stopped "Sorry, but I needed to get away from my father as fast as I could. It's not wise to be up against him when he's angry"

I nodded my head and she said "Do you know how to control Ice?"

"I did once, but I don't know how I did it"

She sighed "Follow me" I did as she asked and we came to the courtyard

"Now since we're sort of beginning..." Artemis started, but then I heard the whisper "Think of the ice, think of the cold" I could see her lips moving, but I couldn't hear her voice. I took a deep breath then looked up, seeing a leaf twirling around. I turned back to Artemis and she was still talking, and I tried to concentrate, but the stupid leaf kept on getting in my way! I bit my lip, thinking of it disintegrating, and I touched the leaf about to pull it off. Suddenly ice came from my fingertips, covering the leaf in seconds. I gasped letting it go, then it broke off the twig and shattered onto the ground. Artemis turned around looked at me with confusion "Did you just?"

"I-I didn't mean to" I said with a scared look on my face. Lie lie lie

"It's okay" She said. HA! "Just don't tell Demeter" I nodded my head and said "Let's see if you can freeze the water" I smirked when she turned around and then she sat on the edge and I wiped the smirk away. I took a deep breath and thought about when I went ice skating

"Uh, Sapphire?" I opened my eyes and she pointd at my feet

"GAH!" Ice had covered up my feet, shaping into short of a skating shoe. I calmed down and thought about it going away. It showly melted off, but didn't leave a water mark anywhere. I sighed sitting down and thought of a frozen river, and when I tapped the top of the water the ice sprouted out from my finger and covered the water in seconds

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" A voice boomed. We turned and saw Poseidon running over to the water steaming mad. No, really, there was steam coming out of his ears

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