My cheeks flushed as I looked at the figures of my brothers. I couldn't deny that beneath the love for them was a layer of resentment. They hadn't provided, they had only took.

"And Joel Callister." I didn't flinch as I felt her nails on my shoulders and her velvet voice in my ear as I walked up to the figure of Joel, looking off into the distance. It's not really him, I told myself. He is safe. Untouched.

"A boy who never returned your attentions, never gave you more than a mere thought no matter how much you longed for him. And Jamie," she gestured to the next figure. "The girl who drew his attentions away from you."

I choked back a sob. This was torture. She was torturing me. "Sierra," she hissed, her voice stirring up even more anger. "Your best friend, always self-centered. Never by your side."

I came to a dead stop at the last figure. My heart swelled.

"It's my father," I said huskily, staring at his lean form, strong jaw, rugged good looks. The figure was chalky pale, making him almost translucent, but I could still see the bright eyes of someone who had too much to drink.

My stomach recoiled.

He had not changed. He was living somewhere in Chicago with a new family, but he had not changed. Had he abandoned them as well?

"Trash," I muttered, grasping at the familiar anger that was constantly at my beck and call. And, even though I knew it would do nothing, I pursed my lips and spit.

It passed straight through him. He was not real to me. Not that he ever been.

"He was never a father to you, Alexis," Artemis said, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"He isn't my father," I said flatly.

"I see the spirit in you," she murmured. "But don't be so quick to cast him aside. Family binds."

Family binds. Wasn't that the truth? I had lived my whole life bound to my family. Bound to the white trash and the drunks and the junkies. Bound to the freaks. And I couldn't get rid of this accursed bond even if I tried.

Family binds.

"Why are you doing this?" I suddenly cried, throwing her hand off. "Is it to prove to me how pathetic my life is? How miserable? I already know that!"

"You're unhappy," Artemis purred, her voice egging me on.

"Of course I am!" I screamed, shattering the silence of the forest. "I have never had someone who stuck around for me! Alexis! I have no one here! All the world does is take," I snarled, tears streaming down my face. I glared at her, my hands balled into fists at my side. "Why are you doing this?"

I hiccuped back a sob and watched as the devastatingly beautiful Huntress made the round of the circle again, holding her hands out to me. She passed each figure, each person who had hurt or betrayed me.

"Why are you doing this?" I repeated, my throat choking over my tears. "Why are you real?"

"Your punishment, Alexis," she said icily: "Choose one to sacrifice."

My blood ran cold. "H-how could you say that?" I tripped over my own words.

"You took something from me," she snarled in cold rage. "And this is how you will repent. By sacrificing. Or I will choose for you."

I took a step back, my eyes widening. Her hostility was like a cold hand, snaking up my neck to choke me. "I--I thought you cared..."

"Your first mistake," Artemis sneered, advancing. "Don't be naïve. Or you might find a knife in the back." She threw out her arms, gesturing to the circle of ghosts. "I killed three people close to you, whether you wanted them to be or not. And I framed you for their murders! I am not your friend!" she spat out the word like it was poison. "I am a god, Alexis, and you are a lowly mortal. Choose one to sacrifice!"

The Huntress [2018 Archived]Where stories live. Discover now