The Newlywed Game: Episode 3

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"Well firstly if you would the shut the fuck up. We could figure this shit out." Kia said as she rolled her eyes at their dramatics. "I think we should look for all the border pieces and start from there.

India and Braelyn emptied out the bag with the pieces on the table making sure that all the pieces were on the table.

"Also Jimmy. Your hair too Brillo like for it to even try to fall out." Braelyn said before looking for the puzzle pieces. The group cackled at her statement as Jimmy sucked his teeth.

|The Newlywed Game Team Insider| Team Stew Goat.

"Yow, there is supposed to be a piece for this but I'm not finding it." JJ said as she started to panic. Jordan stopped on what he was doing, leaving Klay, Nadia and Alaiyah to figure out the puzzle and helped her to find the piece. They looked in the bag, under the table, even in the light that was hanging over them.

"Is there a problem over there?" Kyle asked as he watched them scatter around the place like crazy people. Jordan squinted his eyes at the group and realised that Bradley and Azaria had slick smirks on their faces.

"SABATOGE. THOSE HOES OVER THERE GOT OUR PUZZLE. GABBY GABBY COME FOR THIS SHIT." Jordan yelled throughout the hall. Gabby watched him and shrugged her shoulders before walking away.

"Dude relax." Bradley said as he raised his hands up. "We don't have shit." Jordan let out a dry laugh as he walked over to their table as pushed all of their lose pieces onto the floor.

"You fucking right. Now pick up the shit like the little bitches you are." Jordan said angrily before walking back at his table.

"Aye Jordan, relax bro. They ain't worth it." Nadia said as she watched him with a warning look.

"Yeah she is right. We just have to focus on this puzzle. We only have fifteen minutes left." JJ said as the rest of the team nodded their heads.

"Plus we can always square the fuck up after this." Klay mumbled as he pressed the puzzle piece together.

"TWO MORE MINUTES LEFT. TWO MORE MINUTES LEFT." Gabby yelled as she walked through the building. The teams were working hard to fit in the finals pieces together. However loud screams echoed through the room as two tennis balls crashed Team Stew Goat and Team Curry Chicken's puzzles.

"OKAY YALL GOT ME FUCKED UP NOW." JJ yelled as she took her earrings and sandals off.


"Wowowowowow. This is family show. Aye we will be right back after this commercial break." Gabby said as she told the cameras to cut.

JJ and Nadia both stood up in the middle of the hallway screaming at the other teams trying to figure out who messed up their almost completed puzzles.

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