Chapter Two

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'Detroit, june 14th, 2038

as the petite girl went down the stairs and saw her boyfriend still sleeping on the couch from last night, she looked down at her smart watch as the clock read 7:24 Am 'i still have a half an hour to work...' she grabs a glass of water and two pills of pain killers and placed them down on the coffee table in front of the couch for him later

she grabbed her purse and went to her car, as she held the door knob she remembered what her friend advised her to get "ya know they can handle the house chores really well at least better than ya do" that thought kept dancing in her mind for a while until her hand quivered notifying her that its 7:30 Am and its time to hit the road so she did, and walked to her car

she opens the door to her front seat and settles down got her keys in as a humming sound erupted from the engine signaling it turned on and ready to move but instead the troubled girl rests head on the car handle 'why do i have a bad feeling about getting an android ?? am i scared of what mike might do to me ?' a sigh escapes her mouth 'no ! (y/n) you need some to take care of the house when you're not there , screw what mike will do !' she lifts her head with determination written all over her face and drives away from the house 'im getting one "


a grunt can be heard in the living room "FUUUUUCK" Micheal complained as he tried to sit up " AH SHIT !" he hollers in pain for his leg hit the close coffee table but as soon as his eyes landed on the table to see the pain killers with a small card next to them " water + painkiller, hope it goes away soon <3 -(y/n)" he reads it out loud mostly for himself and a small smile finds its way on his face " god (y/n) ... i wouldn't know what to do without you ..." but as those word left his mouth the smile went with them " its funny... i went out yesterday to drink 'cause you're soooo better at life than me " a scowl presents its self instead as his eyebrows furrow he stands up quickly and throws the table out of his way " WOULD YOU STOP CARING ?! EVERY FUCKING TIME THAT GIRL SMILES OR SENDS WORRIED EYES AT ME IT JUST FUELS MY ANGER " he holds his head with both hands covering his face as he falls to his knees "but pathetic me .... needs her....i need a place to stay in" his body begins to shiver "w-where is it ?!" he fuddles and searches his pockets to hold - barely still - a bottle or some kind of vape container of some sort looks like its hand made and contains a red liquid " red ice .. here it is " he takes a deep breath, after he got his lighter and fired it on then exhales with a pleasured shiver on his knees " thats the shit i need...yes" a few moans comes out every now and then with every inhale he takes from the vape container*

he calmed down with every breath he took so he sat back on the couch legs spread and both arms behind his head but one was still close to his mouth " TV, on" on cue the television turned on and started playing a game of hockey his red eyes stuck on the in all tired and sour after a few minute of watching he went upstairs for a bath

after he finished and got dressed he went down again to the living room and fixed the flipped table back to where it was putting the cup in the sink and throwing the pills in the garbage but when he went back to get the card he looked at it with empty eyes with no emotion in them as if... he's in conflict with himself ..., a sigh escapes him , he kneels down to geth the card off the ground and scans it on last time 'hope it goes away soon <3', he holds the card closer to his chest and hugs it "im sorry...."


a click signaling she entered " Mike , are you up ?" she enters the living room but no one is in there strangely its tidy ..she goes back to the hall where the front door is , " Micheal are you home?" she calls once again " i guess not ... he's probably out again" as she was about to go up stair to get a change of clothes, ones that were more comfortable "(y/n) ?" her head snaps to where she was called , it appears to be coming from the kitchen ..? she turns to the hall again getting down from the stairs and heads for it

she holds the wall to look behind the kitchen counter to see ,,"Micheal !" her face lights up " you're cooking !" the young man turns his head to look at her with a smile his eyes had dark circles screaming from all the tired nights he's spend them up "yeah heh, im trying to cook that specially spaghetti we used to cook together..wwwwanna join ? " he finishes the sentence with a closed eyed smile, her hand goes up to her chest touched to see him back to what he used to be, the one she fell for in the beginning of it all before he went to drinking and hanging in bars before he was fired three months ago .."sweetheart ?....." "of course !, let me change first" she runs upstairs changes as fast as she can and runs back to the kitchen she was wearing her favorite shorts and a tank top "arent you looking nice?" he jokes "i always look nice mister knowitall !" she answers with a sassy tone giving him the sassiest look she can show


but they break it with a laugh together but he interrupts it by sliding his hand to her waist and pulls her closer to him nuzzling his face in the crook of her neck " i missed you .." she mumbles as he holds her there for a few more minutes "i know... im sorry" her eyes fell to the ground before the sizzles brought them both back to the cooking " AH FUCK we're burning it !! the noodles are burning !!!! " "WAIT WE ?! " he scrambles to pull the noodles out before it hardens any more and puts them aside "hell... that was a close one ..." he sighs in relief " well ya start with the sauce " he flashes a lazy smile towards her " hell no ... your the one cooking remember the recipe lazy dog" he laughs off her insult and goes to the fridge " woah you went grocery shopping ?" he looks at her questioning " well duh, someone had to look after the house.." his face darkened for a mere second but left as soon as it came so he went for the vegetables needed and sat them near the bowl for the sauce " pink sauce or a red one (y/n)?" he asked " it was pink ... i think ..?" "pfft you dont even remeber it ?! and you're blaming me for forgetting" he laughs as he's cutting the tomatoes " at least help me" , " fiiiiiine " she grabs a knife and starts helping him

the even was spent together, having fun and watching some movies together it felt as if Micheal is back to his self again, not that distanced drunk addict

Micheal went to bed before (y/n), as she laid beside him she couldnt stop the smile in her face, for the first time in a while he interacted with her, she felt as another soul actually lived with a living being, she grabbed her phone and texted it all to her friend Angela, she poured all her happiness and excitement into every letter she wrote to her before she could put it back down in beeped 'Angela replied ? ..' she thought

'(y/n) thats so unlike him !! are ya sure you're both ok ??? you didnt even talk to him about his crazy act, why did he suddenly act like everything is normal ?? did he even apologize for giving ya the cold shoulder ?????' it reads

the girl holding the phone felt confused one word ' what ...? but still he's finally good again, why couldnt she just be happy for the both of them ? i'll give him a break Angela is just saying that 'cause she hates him, ' with a huff she putts it down and dives into the world of dreams


what are ya thoughts?? are you liking it so far ??

micheal acting weird isnt he ?

i know the android is not here yet but i assure he'll come ! dont worry

if u have questions please dont hesitate to ask in the comments !!

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