Chapter Twenty Five

Start from the beginning

"We wouldn't."

"Enough." A younger voice said making an appearance.

"Jane." Edward said with disgust.

"Aro sent me to see what was taking so long." She said calmly ignoring Edward.

"Hello Jane." I greeted with a smooth voice. The young looking girl looked at me with surprise but soon covered it up.

"Hello mother." She greeted with a slight smile only I could see.

"Mother?" Bella, Alice and Edward all said at the same time in shock.

"How?" Bella asked.

"She's adopted." I shrugged and walked forward to the elevator. Edward was handed a robe to cover himself up. We all piled into the elevator and waited as it went down, elevator music was in the background making me try to hold in a chuckle of amusement.

The elevator dinged and we all walked out to see a woman at a reception desk, she stood up and said hello to us. No one said anything to her so I waved kindly, it was rude to ignore someone.

"Is she human?" Bella asked.

"Yes." Edward answered. I wonder what number this one is, they could never hold onto their receptionists for very long.

"Does she know?"


"Then why would...? She wants to be."

"And so she will be." Demetri said, speaking for the first time since I've seen him last.

"Or dessert." Jane spoke, I rolled my eyes, still the same evil child.

We followed Jane to the throne room and she opened the doors for us walking over to her brother. Three thrones sat in front of us, all taken by my three brothers. Another throne sat in the back slightly hidden under a sheet as it collected dust.

"What a happy surprise!" Aro announced excitedly as he does, "Bella is alive after all. Isn't that wonderful? I love happy endings. They are so rare." He walked over to us with his eyes locked onto the love birds. A crazy smile plastered on his face, he looked over Alice and then his eyes turned to me, "my dear sister! Oh, how I've missed you."

"Brother." I greeted with a smile, I gave him a hug and watched as his smile grew. Marcus and Cauis looked at us with boredom and anger, mostly from Cauis. It's so good to see my old family.

"Why do you smell of dog, my dear?" He asked with narrowed eyes.

"Werewolves, it seems I'm somehow intertwined into their future." I explained without giving any important information away.

"Alice has predicted this?" He asked looking over to my mate.

"No, someone of a different supernatural race I presume." I still wasn't sure if Nathan's grandfather was a human or not, it could be possible he was something else, something we don't know of.

"How interesting." Aro grinned wickedly, he walks back to Edward and grabs his hand. "Her blood appeals to you so much it makes me thirsty. How can you stand to be so close?"

"It's not without difficulty." Edward answered with a pained expression.

"Yes, I can see that."

"Aro can read every thought I've ever had with one touch." Edward explained to Bella, "and now you know everything, so get on with it." He said now to Aro.

"You are quite the soul reader yourself, Edward. Though you can read Bella's thoughts. Fascinating! I would love to see are an exception to my gifts as well. Would you do me the honour?" Aro held out his hand towards her and Bella hesitantly reached go it. "Interesting. I see nothing. I wonder if..let us see if you're immune to all our powers. Shall we? Jane."

"Aro." I warned threateningly but he payed me no mind.

"No!" Edward yelled.

"Pain." Jane said that one word I hated so much. Edward rushed in front of Bella and took the pain, he fell to the ground.

"Stop, stop, please stop!" Bella yelled at her.

"Jane!" I yelled loudly, my voice booming though out the room.

"Mother?" She said as if nothing had happened and stopped using her power to inflict pain on Edward. He groans and gets up from the floor.

"Go ahead, my dear." Aro said once more, I growled at him and watched as Jane looks back to Bella.

"This may hurt a little." She said with a smirk. Bella waits for the pain, closing her eyes tightly but nothing happened. I sigh in relief while Aro laughed.

"Remarkable! She confounds us all. So, what do we do with you now?" He asks himself.

"You already know what you're going to do, Aro." Alice speaks up.

"They know too much. They're a liability." Someone spoke.

"Thats true. Felix?" Aro called, I sigh and watch as the boy walks forward with a glare. He runs at Edward but with a blink of an eye Edward was standing on top of him. Felix pushed him off into the air and grabbed by his neck and smashed him into the ground making it crack. That was a nice floor.

Felix got off him and walked to Bella, I raced over and stood in front of her making him look confused. When his neck was turned Edward grabs him again and throws him across the room, Felix smashed into a bench and breaks it. Felix got up growling and ran at him smashing him into the stairs, breaking them in the process. He grabbed Edward by the throat once more.

"Please! No, no please!" Bella pleads making them all look at her, "kill me. Kill me, not him." I looked at her with wide eyes, hell no.

"How extraordinary. You would give up your own life for people like us? Vampires. Soulless monsters." Aro asked, harsh.

"Just get away from him! You don't know a thing about his soul." Bella said.

"This is sadness. If only it were your intentions to give her immortality." Aro said going to bite her.

"Wait!" Both Alice and I yelled, "Bella will be one of us. I've seen it. I'll change her myself." Alice put her hand in Aro's and showed him her vision.

"Mesmerizing. To see what you have seen it before it's happened. Your gift will make for an intriguing immortal Isabella. Go now. Make your preparations." Aro ordered, "and I will see you soon hopefully, my dear sister."

We walked out of the room quickly with the love birds finally back together, that's a plus I guess.

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