Chapter 1

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Your POV 

I love you more.

The last words Shu Kurenai ever said to me, face to face. Sure we had phone calls and face times, but it just wasn't the same. Those words still chewed me up after them being said at least on month ago.

Eventually we just decided to end our relationship. Long distance relationships never works, but it doesn't mean I have to like it.

I still ached for his company, his touch and his love. I guess I haven't moved on quite yet. But what if he had?

What would he be doing now, in America? Would he feel the same way as me, or will he have already moved on? Does he already have a girlfriend?

A single tear trailed down my cheek, dampening the white sheets I was laying down on. I didn't want to think about what Shu was doing right now.

'(y/n)? Are you awake?'

The voice of Sasha Guten, my roommate in BC Sol, startled me, cutting through my thoughts.

I didn't answer her and turned towards the window, not wanting to distress her. Soon enough she fell back to sleep.

I pulled the blue blanket tighter around me, shivering in the cold.


I jumped slightly in my bed, squinting into the large window that took up the whole wall.

Large, green shoots of pine were dotted across the lush hills that surrounded the forest. A few small birds were flying above the trees, black against the blue, starry sky.

A twig had snapped out in the woods, not too loud, but loud enough that you could hear it if you were awake. Was somebody out there? I checked my watch.

It was 1:22am, and I doubt that nobody else had such troubling thoughts and memories like me to keep them awake until this time.

It must've been a deer or something, I thought, dismissing the idea if someone was out in the forests.

I yawned and was closing my eyes when a flash of yellow streaked across the dark pines.

That jolted me awake again, sparking curiosity. A flash of yellow? Yellow wasn't often seen in nature, and when it was, it definitely did not move like lightning.

Eager for a little adventure, I slipped my familiar, worn-out Converses on and walked towards the wardrobe, ready to select something a little warmer to wear over my silk black and red pjs with gold accents.

Somehow I found myself lingering across a red hoodie, with a thin black strip along the hood. I inhaled sharply.

Shu's hoodie, I realized. The one I wore the night before my match with Lui. I must've kept it and somehow it got bundled up in my wardrobe while I was packing for Spain.

But I wasn't complaining; no, I was happy I had something to hold on for home and for Shu.

I pulled it over my messy bun, and darted out to the corridors, closing the door softly behind, not wanting to wake Sasha or Honey, Sasha's sister, up.

The hallways in BC Sol were still lit, like always, incase we're hungry so we can just go to the kitchen.

None of the guards questionned me being up this early in the morning, and I was up and about in the cold night easy enough.

As I pushed the large oak door open, a gust of wind hit me and I was immediately struck by the night sky, even though the night was bitter cold and biting away at me.

A dark, inky blue covered the night sky, except for millions of spots dotted in the sky. Countless constellations could be seen, and a comet even flew past, covered in fire and all.

The Milky Way was stretched over the whole sky, something I had never seen in Japan because of all the bright city lights that never seemed to be turned off.

I took a deep breath before walking calmly deep into the forest, where the yellow streak had appeared. Dark pine trees loomed towards me, vines viciously lunging for my hair, twigs cracking everywhere, and for a moment I was tempted to go back inside.

But then a sound of a bey being launched echoed through the forest, and I plunged on, before falling on the ground, grass swirling around my body, the cool air floating above me.

'Shoot,' I muttered. My laces had caught up against a rock, and I had tripped. A curious bleat caused me to look up from the dirt, and I was met by a majestic animal.

The deer stood up straight, moonlight glinting off the slick brown fur and the polished black horns. Ever so slightly, it tilted its head to the left. I followed suit, wondering what it was doing.

Suddenly, the deer took off, running left towards a taller clump of trees. I found myself stumbling after the deer, curious to see where it was going.

For a while it was just the same old scenery, long, dark, trees, the occasional bunch of flowers, clumps of grass, and- I inhaled sharply again.

Beams of moonlight hit my (e/c) eyes, blinding me for a second. When the white flash had gone, the scenery had changed. 

I was in a huge clearing in the woods, the moon shining brighter and reflecting off the features that the clearing contained.

A circle of old, stone pillars covered in tiwsted vines was surrounding a bey stadium, where a bey was spinning. I turned my head slowly, looking at the deer who had lead me here.

We maintained eye-contact for a moment, before a twig snapped and the deer suddenly bolted off. I frowned, before looking at the stadium again.

I cautiously approached the stadium with a million thoughts swirling in my head. Why was a bey here? What exactly is the clearing? Why was a stadium here? How did the deer find it, and why did it leave so suddenly?

As I approached closer to the stadium, I realized it wasn't just any ordinary bey spinning. It spun anti-clockwise, a golden blur with blue and yellow dragons engraved on it.

Drain Fafnir. The legendary bey of the world's top blader, Free De La Hoya. A pale hand grabbed my arm and I jumped, alarmed as I turned around to see the very owner standing right there, boring into my eyes with his dark ones.

'Hello (y/n),' Free whispered, leaning in and closing the distance between our lips.


Phew! First chapter, done! 

How'd you like that ending, hm?


Word count: 1089

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