Chapter 7-

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 I woke up to an annoying alarm clock going off; I turn in the two arms wrapped around my waist to lean over Kai and press the snooze button, but get stopped by him turning it off. I groan and hide under the blankets to try and fall back asleep.

"Tay, time to get up." Kai states, getting up and heading into his bathroom to turn on his morning shower water.

"No, I wanna sleep..." I murmur, almost drifting back asleep before I feel the covers ripped off of me and a pair of arms lifting me off the bed.

"Please just let me sleep..." I mutter before I hear a chuckle escape his lips.

He places me in my room; sliding me onto my feet on the freezing wooden floor. I jump back onto him, wrapping my legs around his waist and arms around his neck.

He decided to start up my shower and places me on the closed toilet seat; warming up the air with the warm water's steam.

"Take a shower and come to the kitchen for breakfast." he orders before starting to leave my room.

"May I use one of your hoodies today?" I ask before he leaves.

"Sure, dress for the dark green one." he smiles a bit, leaves and shuts the door behind him.

I quickly shower and dry my hair(which takes forever to dry). After finishing that, I apply some foundation, Nude eyeshadow and small winged eyeliner before tying up my hair into a ponytail.

I throw on a pair of black shorts and a plain white tank top before heading over to Kai's room. I walk into his closet and grab the huge green hoodie; accompanied with a matching green and white baseball-style hat.

I put my hair through the hole in the hat after slipping into the large hoodie. The hoodie reaches my lower thigh length and covers my shorts; the sleeves cover my hands, but it is so comfortable.

I walk into the kitchen to smell a mouth-watering breakfast cooking. Kai finally finishes up the french toast, sausage and eggs. He turns and gives me a plate of the amazing smelling food with a smile before I sit on top of the counter.

Jacob enters the room, flashing an excited and energetic smile that can make anybody lighten up.

"What's up Tay Tay?" he asks, rubbing my back with his right hand while grabbing his own plate of food with his left; he pulls me into a side hug and sits on a barstool near me.

"Want some?" Kai asks, holding up a pot of freshly brewed coffee.

"Yuppers!" I say excitedly before running to the pantry for hot chocolate mix and then to the fridge for some creamer.

Kai pours me a mug of the mixture from heaven before I mix the creamer and hot chocolate. I nod my head and release a moan of satisfaction after taking a sip.

"Coffee, where have you been in my life recently?" I ask accusingly to the mug in my hands.

"Taylor, Kai, Jacob. Where were you three last night?" Leon appeared out of nowhere, leaning on the wall frame at the kitchen entrance.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Kai replied, straight faced before handing Leo a plate of food.

I pick up a piece of french toast and nom on the edge of it, looking down at my legs and Jacob's arms that were placed on the counter.

"Really now? I looked in your rooms around 1:00 am and all three of them were empty." he seemed decently pissed off in his cool way after he placed his plate down beside me and took a seat on a barstool. "So, Tay, will you tell me where you were?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2018 ⏰

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