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Ok, so this chapter is gonna be slightly different from the others, but I felt like this would be a nice exciting thing to do with it




"And, IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII, will always love youuu!" Me and Liza sang, tone deaf

The night had arrived, and the festival had finished, and as for me and the rest of the gang


"You know, I want to sit on a pizza" I whispered, not completly sure on what I was on about

"As that makes sense" a fimiliar voice cooed

I turned around to see Tyler

He was smiling widley and me Liza

"Are you drunk?" Liza asked

Tyler shook his head

"How, are you not drunk?" I asked patting his shoulder

"Beacause, I was in my tent... doing stuff" Tyler egged in a 'duh' tone

"Oooh yeeeah! You were banging Rosie Posie" I chimed

"Umm. exactly..." Tyler choked out

Liza suddenly burst into fits of laughter

Tyler and I raised out eyebrows

When Liza stopped laughing she looked at us, her hair had bits of grass dangling from it, from where she was rolling around

"What?" she asked

"Why were laughing?" Tyler asked

"I -I dont know" Liza admitted

"I am sooooo boooooored!" I groaned

"Can we do something?" Liza asked

"Umm, nah, I can't be assed" Tyler stated

"Let's play a game... of hide and seek!" I suggested

"Hide and seek?" Liza and Tyler asked in sync

"YUP! YUP! YUP!" I beamed

Liza and Tyler exchanged odd glances

"What?" I asked

"Look, Nat, I may be wasted, but I'm smart enough not to go playing hide and-" Liza was interupted by a hiccup "Hide and seek, when it's dark, and the only place to hide is the forest"

"The forest! Thats a perfedt place to hide!" I noted

"No Natalie, it can be dangerous in there"  Tyler exclaimed

I pouted

"See ya suckers!" I screamed running towards the forest

"Natalie!" I heard Tyler yell after me

"You can't chase me!" I shouted "It's cheating!"

I ran into the forest

I didn't stop until Tylers yelling faded

Hiding behind a tree, I inhaled deeply

My head began to throb, as the side affects of the alchohol sank in

"Ouch!" I groaned, wincing in pain

My hair was cascading my face, it was a mess

I heard a twig suddenly snap, thn heathy breathing behind me, making the hairs stand up on the back of my neck

It was obviously Tyler, he must have chased me

"Tyler, I told you, chasing me is cheating" I giggled

I waited for Tyler to yell at me, for being stupid and running into the forest

But no yell came

Just the heavy breathing

My heart began to pace

"Tyler? Liza?" I choked out

The breathing became more heavy, and I could tell whoever was behind me , was coming closer

My reflexes made my fist go behind me

But a firm grip got hold it, and twisted my hand back

I let out a scream of pain

Some large arms wrapped my waiste, making it hard for me to breath

Sadly, with this creep being so close to me, I got a wiff of his in-toxicating breath, it was like eggs and stale beer

I let out a blood curdling scream

"L-let go of me" I begged

"Natalie!" I heard Liza yell "Get off her you bastard!"

One of the arms wrapped around me let go

I heard Liza scream in pain, this puff, must have done the same to her

Soon I felt Liza's hip against mine

A large hand connected with my skull and I was greeted with blackness


So sorry it was short

And sorry if this bored you, but am writing this when I am tired, and I've got writers block

But I felt guilty for not giving you any updates, so here it is

So sorry!


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