Festival fun

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"Surprise her!" some hushed voices whispered over me

I groaned at the fact that whoever was speaking to me, had woken me up

"Natalie" someone whispered in my ear

"Piss off" I muttered , curling in a ball and burying my head in my pillow

"Wake up!" the same voice whispered

"No" I snapped

"Natalie! Get your ass out of bed!" the voice screamed into my ear

I shot up out of my covers

"Morning" Liza beamed

"I hate you" I mumbled

"Aww, I hate you too!" Liza teased

"What do you want?" I asked

"You, me, Jason, Tyler and the girls, are going to a music festival!" Liza squeeled "The girls went outside before you left, they're in the car waiting"

"I thought you said that you had been to too many music festivals" I sighed

"This one is different! It lasts for three whole days!" Liza basically screamed

My eyes went wide "Three?!" I choked out

"Yup! Yup! Yup!"

"I'll go tell Grampa" I stated, getting out of my comfy, warm bed

I stopped before leaving the room "Should I wake Al?" I asked

Liza shook her head "Um, we only booked tickets for twelve people"

"Oh...ok"  I walked out

Alana would hate me if I went without her, but then again, this is my life, and my life doesn't revolve around making Alana happy, so I'll go

"Grampa" I whispered, gently tapping his door

"Yes hun" Grampa called

"Can I go to a music festival with my friends? It last for three days" I asked

"Three days? But Natalie, you'll miss your birthday!" Grampa exclaimed

"Well , yeah, but the party doesn't happen until two days after my birthday, so there will be plenty of time" I stated

"But don't you want to spend time with your family on your birthday?"

"Grampa, I'm eighteen! You can't keep me trapped in this house all my life! I'm going!" My hand slammed onto my mouth as soon as the words came out

Grampa stared at me stunned

"Oh my god, Grampa, I am so sorry!" I apologised

I ran up to him and hugged him tight

"Go on then" Grampa sighed

"Thankyou!" I squeaked "I love you Grampa!"

Grampa chuckled, but he must still be shooken up after my outburst

I gave him a small smile, then ran out the room, over joyed

"Can you go?" Liza asked

"I CAN GO!" I screamed

Oh yeaaaaaaah

"Get you things ready and meet me outside" Liza instructed "Hurry, we have a big adventure infront of us..."


We pulled up outside of the gates towards the festival

Music was blasting

"FESTIVAL!" Me and some of the girls screamed

"Ready?" Liza asked turning towards us

"Ready!" We chorused

"So, who's in who's tent?" Rose asked, stepping out of the back seat

"We'll figure that out in a minute" Liza replied

"Yo Rose!" Tylers voice boomed from behind us

We all turned around to see Tyler, Jason and Liza's new boyfriend, Trent

"Hey baby" Liza and Rose said in sync

They both ran up to their boyfriends

I stayed firmly put. Oh crap, would I have to share a tent with Jason?

"Hey hot stuff!" A deep voice whispered into my ear

"Jason" I beamed, putting on a fake voice

"I missed you babe" Jason sighed, he pressed his large lips on mine

I pulled away

Jason looked at me confused

"Save all that for tonight" I cooed

Jason blushed, then turned to Tyler

"So , Tyler. How many girls have you got knocked up?" Jason teased

Tyler stiffened

"What sort of question was that, you retard?" Tyler spat

"Jason, what the hell?!" I yelled at how stupid he was

"Ignore him Tyler" I said

Tyler nodded and walked away

"Why did you go in the same car as him?" I asked

"He was my only ride, and I can get along with Trent" Jason replied

"Hey, you lot!" Isabelle called "Over here"

She was standing on a large hill, that was obviously going to be our camping spot

We all trailed up to the hill

"Well, let's start with putting up our tents" Rose instructed

She got out her tent, and Tyler helped

We all started working on putting up our tents

There was a circle of eight tents

Tyler was sharing with Rose, and Liza was sharing with Trent

Jason bought his own tent, and so did I , so luckily we werent sharing

"Right now thats done, lets go get wasted!" I yelled

Everyone cheered

"You guys go" Rose said "Me and Tyler will catch you up"

Rose smiled suductivly at Tyler

He kissed her cheek, and Rose giggled

She grabbed his shirt and pulled him in the tent

"Leg it!" Liza yelled

We nodded and ran after her


"Oh my god!" I yelled, over the top of the loud music

An unkown rock band was playing a song called 'grinding bodies' it was bluddy well amazing!

We danced like a bunch of retards, probably scaring the crowd

Jason kept coming up close to me and putting his hands on me

"And now, I am pleased to introduce...Rizzle Kicks to the stage!" the presenter announced

I froze, I screamed

Oh my sweet grilled cheesus

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed at the top of my lungs

"Rizzle Kicks! Rizzle Kicks! Rizzle Kicks!" the crowd screamed

Jesus, I was going to have a blast


So sorry it was short!

Keep reading

And hope you enjoyed


Sorry if it was boring

But like I said


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