Party planning

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My eyes went wide open

"W-what, how?! What!" Alanas mum had just been shot!

"I w-walked into my house and found her on the floor, the ambulance took her, can I stay here?" She asked

I nodded

"But your visiting her in the morning" I said shakily

"O-ok" Alana whispered

"Do you know how this happened?" I asked

Alana shook her head "My mum was friends with everyone, I'm so confused!" she sobbed

My grampa came into my room

"Alana, your mum wants you at the hospital" he said holding the phone towards her

Alana took it then walked out of the room

She was driven to hospital and there she would find the results to her mums incedent...


"Ok, so close your eyes" Grampa instructed "I have a present for you"

"But Grampa, my birtdays not until next week" I sighed

"Well you'd find out what it was anyway, before next week" Grampa chuckled "Now hold out your arms and close you eyes"

I did as told

A few seconds later, something soft, small and wrigley was placed in my arms

I opened my eyes and gasped

"O-oh my! Aww!" I choked out

An adorable little puppy was curled up in my arms, it was a baby german shepard

"What is the gender?" I asked

"Male" grampa replied

"Why?" I asked with a confused expression

"Why what?" Grampa questioned

"Why did you get me a puppy?"

"You've never had a pet, so I thought that I would get you one" Grampa beamed

I walked over to him and hugged him

"Thankyou so much! I love you" I squeeled

Grampa smiled then went to pet my new pup

"I think I'm gonna call him Rex" I announced patting his head

"Aww that's a cute name" Grampa beamed

"Rex! Come here boy!" I called

Rex made no attempt to come over to me

"He doesn't know his name yet" Grampa explained

The door belle rang and I ran over to answer it

"Hey Nat! We need to plan your eighteenth" Alana said striding in

I was shocked that she was in such a good mood, her mum is still in hospital!

"Al, hows your mum?" I asked

"She's getting better!" Alana squeeled

I decided to drop the subject, and not ruin Alanas good mood with theese questions

"Erm, ok, shall we plan in my room" I suggested

Alana nodded and began to walk upstairs

Rex bouned over to me and tried to jump up

I scooped him up into my arms and cradled him

"When did you get a dog?!" Alana asked running up to me

Good girl gone badWhere stories live. Discover now