Fake Sleepers

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I sighed as it was at least 9pm and Draco still wasn't home.

He was visiting Neville and Cedric today which honestly didn't bother me but he promised me he'd be home at a certain time.

That certain time being seriously two hours ago.

I laid on the couch of the mansion and just kept my eyes open.

After a while I noticed myself slowly and more gradually falling asleep which seemed like a better option to do that wait up for him all night.

Moments passed by as I know knew that from the outside I was now officially asleep though my mind not.

I heard the door open but my body not wanting to move or anything at all.

From what I was guessing it has to be at least 2-3 hours after I had been waiting for Draco then not so accident fallen asleep.

I felt the soft hands of my fiancé lift me into his arms from one of the billion sofas in this damn manor.

I moaned slightly as I smelt the alcohol on him, he laughed as he knew I could smell it.

'Mrs Malfoy?' Draco spoke softly as I really wasn't in the mood to talk, if I was then I would be awake, standing and shouting at him. Take my word for it.

'What?' I asked him in a slightly pissed off voice, this was meant to be quiet, slightly awkward and subtly sexy.

'Fine.' He said in an equally pissed off time as I knew he was going to leave me on one of the couches out in the corridor.

I was honestly about to fucking scream at him, I mean I love him but this is what we do.

I heard the sound of him slam the bedroom door after he safely laid me on the couch, this wasn't happiness it was what murder was going to look like.

'You weren't the one who waited up for you with no reply. To be lifted into the arms of a drunk, absolutely stinking of alcohol fiancée.' I shouted as I heard him throw something, I was betting that to be something I gave him.

I quietly tip toed into a guest room as I found a ring and just laughed.

It didn't look important and if it belonged to anyone he knew or fucked in this bed then fuck both of those assholes.

I got to the stairs which were the stairs down to the downstairs of the manor as well as the stairs in from of our room.

'What do you fucking think of this?' I shouted before throwing whatever than fake ass looking ring was downstairs.

As soon as I slipped away into the guest room I heard Draco.

'Niki!' He shouted as I simply just sat myself against the wall facing the bed.

I sighed sitting with my knees to my chest, I wish he just took me to bed without talking to me.

I heard him settle after about 15 minutes before I got into bed myself.

I wasn't going in there with him because it will be awkward as so I simply laid myself in the guest room.

I opened my eyes to now be laying on my bed with my husband looking at the things in our room.

I simply didn't know what to say but let a single tear roll down my face.

I could sense that he wasn't going to sleep anytime soon, he wasn't tired at all and I understood that.

His arms were wrapped around me as he has always told me that's his sign of protection to me, this is the way he protects me.

I knew that just sounded cheesy but we promised to vow to each other that we will always protect each other from anything, this is what we planned to add to our vows on our wedding day.

Sometimes he made me forget everything bad that has happened to me, he makes me forget that.

He takes it all away as if he has superpowers but he can bring it all back to me in an heartbeat.

Sometimes things that are gone just aren't gone forever.

I didn't know what else to say other than marriage and parenthood were things left to come in mine and Draco's lives.

I think that these things are not overdue but if they aren't done to a standard of parental expectation then they'll be even further held back than they will be.

I didn't really understand how to explain it to be honest.

Both our parents expect certain things both parents expect different things from me and Draco.

His parents expect him to obey by their laws and teach our kids the same laws his parents made him obey.

My parents on the other hand expect me to have no kids out of wedlock though we are not part of a religion and for my kids to obey and portray the same DeMar thing with the death eaters.

I don't know how to tell them that I don't want my kids to portray the Malfoy or DeMar kid rules.

I know it's in the family thing and has been passed down for centuries as both one of mine and Draco's relatives were once the dark lord or more or less head of the death eaters.

Not that I want my kids to become death eaters because it's such a terrible acrid job.

I mean I remember watching Draco walk around as if someone was going to kill him at any given moment.

I wouldn't want that for my children even if their grandparents and past relatives wanted that.

I mean just watching Draco some I loved and still love so dearly walk around with anxiousness just made me deteriorate.

But I think it would hurt me and Draco if our kids had to walk around Hogwarts or portray the things we used to do.


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